2009年03月05日 14:43 沪江英语
4. Keep an open mind. Employers today seek professionals who are adaptable and open-minded. Let your boss know that you're willing to learn new skills or take on projects that might fall outside your normal duties。
4。保持开放的思想。现在雇主们寻找的都是适应性强有开放的头脑的。让你的老板知道你愿意学习新的技能或者承担一些可能超出你职责的项目。 5. Ask questions. If you're unsure of the effects a certain change will have on your department in general or your role in particular, talk about the transition with your supervisor. Discussing the issue with your manager also will allow you to ask questions and voice any concerns。 5。提问题。如果你不太确定当前的转变会对你的部门整体或者特别是你的角色产生什么样的影响,和你的上司谈谈这种转变。和你的经理讨论这个问题也能给你机会提出问题表达出你的担忧。 Finally, keep in mind that a strong network of support can help you manage changes at work. Trusted colleagues, friends, and family can provide you with an outlet for expressing frustration or worries. At the same time, chances are good that some of these individuals will have faced similar situations themselves and can provide advice for handling it。 最后,记住一个强有力的支持网络能帮助你在职场中战胜变化。相信你的同事、朋友和你的家人能为你的挫折和担心提供一个出口。同时,很有可能一些人自己经历过类似的情况,能够提出一些建议帮你度过这段时期。 网友评论
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