

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月09日 15:30   新浪教育


  You may get along well with your boss but there will always be that specific instance where you want to say more than you should. Here are ten things that you should not say to your boss。


  1. In a minute. 等一会。

  Sometimes you'll get called into the boss' office just as you're about to do something that you've been waiting to do. Bosses don't often view our personal wants as an important factor to the job, so when your boss calls you in to see them, it's not good to say you'll be there in a minute。


  2. Oops, I forgot. 啊!我忘记了。

  And we do get so busy that we can't remember everything, but some things may not be well received when we say that. So, instead of saying you forgot, try, "I"m on it but I haven't got through to them yet'. It's like saying the glass is half full instead of half empty. They mean the same; one just sounds better。



  3. No! 不行!

  If the boss comes to you with a project to do, it's not always in your best interest to refuse to do it. You could suggest someone else do it or declare how busy you already are, but to say no might not be appreciated。


  4. You don't know that? 你不知道么?

  Most bosses like to feel that they know everything, although you and the rest of the office may differ in opinion on that issue. Try beginning your sentence with, "You probably already know this ". This shows your boss that you respect their intelligence, even though you know better。


  5. You're late. 你迟到了。

  Being late has come to be one of those privileges that may inconvenience you but is their seniority right. Telling them they are late could be seen as undermining their position over you。


  6. Ooh, ugly tie! 哦,难看的领带!

  There may be times that your boss wears the ugliest tie on earth but it is not your place to tell them. They are aware how they dress and maybe the tie was a gift that they couldn't say no to wearing. Or maybe they just have bad taste, but that is their privilege。



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