

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月09日 15:30   新浪教育

 7. I hit your car. 我把你的车撞了!

  Yes, it could happen that you bumped your boss' car in the parking lot. It's only right that you tell them what you did but it's still not the greatest thing to tell your boss。


  8. Who's the guy I saw your wife with at the bar last night? 昨天晚上在酒吧里和你太太在一起的那个男的是谁啊?

  This is one of those things that you really don't want to get involved with. If you tell your boss and then his wife proves you wrong, that could be the beginning of the end for you。


  9. How much do you make a year? 你一年挣多少钱啊?

  We all would love to know the truth about that one, and maybe some boss' are free to discuss it. But generally, it's a big no, no。


  10. Can I have another raise? 能不能再给我涨一次工资?

  Most companies have a set program for raises and you need to understand that plan so that you don't look foolish and ask for a raise out of turn. If you feel you're entitled then make sure you do a bit of research and find out the best time to ask。


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