2009年03月11日 14:21 新浪教育
上周,美国数百万的同性恋男女都忧心忡忡。他们担心在同性恋权益问题上,美国会朝着全然相反的方向发展。 MILLIONS of gay men and women in the United States spent last week worrying over whether the country might move in the opposite direction in the matter of gay rights。 上周四,加州最高法院表示,可能赞成去年11月通过的那项颇具争议的提案,反对同性恋结婚。 The Supreme Court of Califonia indicated last Thursday that it would uphold a controversial proposition passed last November denying homosexuals the right to marry。 早在去年5月15日,该州最高法院就立法推翻了同性恋结婚禁令。 Earlier, on May 15, the state Supreme Court had made a ruling that overturned a ban on same-sex marriage。 于是乎,加州的同性恋情侣们便纷纷迅速结婚。 Gay couples quickly lined up to marry in California。 然而,在世界范围内,同性恋权益仍是个颇具争议的话题。 Homosexual rights remains a controversial topic all over the world。 一些科学家们努力证实同性恋纯属自然现象,而另外一些人则认为那是基因上的畸形。 Some scientists have tried to prove that homosexuality is natural, others that it’s a genetic deformity。 目前,包括加拿大、荷兰在内的一些国家已经宣布同性恋婚姻合法,但有些国家仍视同性恋行为为不道德行为。 A few countries like Canada and the Netherlands have declared same-sex marriages legal, but some countries still see homosexual act as immoral。 即便是在像美国般自由、宽容的国度,公开表示同性恋倾向仍然意味着将受到不少压力和挑战。 Even in liberal, more tolerant societies like the US, coming out (revealing one’s homosexuality openly) means one can face a lot of pressure and challenges。 出于兴趣,让我们一起来看看在英国比较子有的地区人们如何看待同性恋问题,同时了解一下,在美国同性恋们又要面临怎样的压力。 Out of interest, let’s just take a look at what the situation is like in liberal parts of Britain, and what kind of pressure gay people face in America。 《21世纪英文报》专家查理:在美国,同性恋者比之前更为社会所接纳。 Charlie Shifflett 21st century staff:GAY and lesbian Americans are living in a more tolerant time than in the past。 但是,由于美国是个大国,在一些地区,同性恋者仍然会觉得自己是个局外人。 But the US is a big country and, in some parts of society, a homosexual can still feel like an outsider。 2008年CNN做了一项投票调查,结果为55%对44%。结果显示,大多数美国人仍然认为婚姻应属于异性恋者。 After all, according to a 2008 CNN poll, the majority of Americans still believe that marriage is reserved for heterosexual couples – by a margin of 55 to 44 percent。 从某种程度上讲,美国对同性恋的这种宽容源自基督教和《圣经》的影响。它们将“不道德的性行为”定义为色欲、通奸以及同性恋等等。 America's tepid embrace of homosexuality stems – at least in part – from the influence of Christianity and the Bible, where "sexual immorality" is defined as lust, adultery and homosexuality, among other things。 然而,在非洲裔美国人等群体中,同性恋群体仍然遭到反对。 But gays and lesbians have also met resistance from other segments of society, including the African-American community。 网友评论
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