2009年03月11日 14:21 新浪教育
“同性恋即新的黑人”这个标语将同性恋所处境遇比喻为黑人们过去至今所面临的人种偏见。 So, the slogan “Gay is the new black” likens the plight of homosexuals to the racism experienced by blacks in the past as well as in the present。 但是这种断言却冒犯了那些非洲裔美国人们。 But this assertion is one that many African-Americans find offensive。 《21世纪英文报》专家大卫:距离伦敦约1小时车程的海边城市布莱顿通常被称为“欧洲同性恋者的首都”。 David Bartram21st century staff : BRIGHTON, a city by the sea about an hour’s drive from London, is sometimes described as “The Gay Capital of Europe”。 该市有个很大的同性恋社区。在那里,人们见到同性恋情侣一点儿也不足为奇。 The city has a large LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community and most people don’t bat an eyelid when they see a gay couple together。 在布莱顿,每年都会举办一次“同志大游行”。这个同性恋社区的节日会吸引10多万人前往。 Every year, Brighton has a “Pride Parade” – a big festival for the LGBT community that attracts over 100,000 people。 游行的组织方还会提供其他支持,包括保健建议和咨询服务。 The organization that runs the parade also offers other types of support for the LGBT community, including health advice and counseling。 他们为同性恋者们开辟了一片远离偏见的天空。 Their work has helped gay people find a place in society without facing prejudice。 据悉,布莱顿市13%的人口是同性恋社区的一分子。 It’s been estimated that 13 percent of the population of Brighton is part of the LGBT community。 但是确切数字很难量化。 However this can be hard to quantify。 例如:如果你只是喝多了亲了一下你的朋友,那么你算是个双性恋么? If you drink too much, for example, and give your friend a kiss, does that make you bisexual? 在布莱顿,即便是在那些通常不赞同同性恋的社会团体中,同性恋几乎完全被接纳了。 Being gay is almost fully accepted in Brighton – even among sections of society that are not always known as being open to the idea。 也正是因此,同性恋们特意前往布莱顿加入这个团体,强化社区的感觉。 As a result, gay people move to Brighton especially to join the crowd, reinforcing the sense of community。 事实上,该社区已经和社会的其他社区完全融为一体,它的成员也很少被区别看待。 That community is in fact fully integrated with the rest of society and is rarely considered any different to other people living in the city。 除了布莱顿,世界的其他城市也有大型的同性恋社区。 Brighton is not the only city in the world with a large LGBT community。 位于荷兰的阿姆斯特丹以及加州旧金山的同性恋社区同样出名。 Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, and San Francisco in California are two others with similarly prominent gay communities。 网友评论
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