

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月24日 14:40   沪江英语

  The Constance Billard and St. Jude seniors have the production of "The Age of Innocence". Serena has a crush on the play's director, Julian, and enlists Vanessa's knowledge of theater to help her get the guy's attention. Blair receives bad news about her future that leads her on a witch-hunt for the person responsible. Dan and Rachel agree to stay away from each other in the aftermath of being discovered as more than teacher and student, but find it impossible to keep that promise. Chuck find help on an unlikely friend, Carter Baizen.

  Nate has a conflict with Vanessa and turns to Blair for help. Chuck is dealing with his father's trouble past. Dan seems to have no grief from his break-up coming from his actions and Lily and Rufus are questioning where their relationship is headed。



  Blair: At last, my life is perfect. My only problem... How to relate to my character, Countess Olenska is a ruined woman with no prospects, and let's face it. I have the world on a string. Of course, there is the odious task of playing opposite Dan Humphrey。

  Countess: 伯爵夫人

  have somebody on a string: to completely control someone's behaviour e.g. She can get him to do anything she wants - she's got him on a string. "I've Got The World on a String" is a 1933 popular song composed by Harold Arlen, with lyrics written by Ted Koehler。

  odious: 讨厌的,可憎的

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