

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月24日 14:40   沪江英语


  Elle: Carter, I have to use the ladies' room. Get me a drink?

  Chuck: Just... just wait a sec。

  Carter: Come on, Bass. Don't cause a scene。

  Don't cause a scene: 不要惹是生非


  Queller: This is just a dress rehearsal. There are people out there. Don't let the..。

  Blair: Headmistress! There you are. Nelly Yuki claimed she got into Yale early. There must be some mistake

  Queller: I'm sorry, Blair. There's no mistake. I was on my way to tell you that I received a call from Dean Berube. They've rescinded your acceptance and given the spot to Nelly。

  dress rehearsal: a full rehearsal shortly before the first performance 带妆彩排

  I was on my way to tell you that…: 我正要告诉你……,这里的on my way表示“正打算,正准备”,不是“在路上”的意思。

  rescind: 取消,作废


  Vanessa: So how does it feel to play May Welland?

  Serena: Well, it feels like my character's rubbing off on me. May's fiancé pays no attention to her, and as for me..。

  Vanessa: Are you talking about Julian? Well, the play opens tomorrow. He's just distracted。

  Serena: Julian, hey. I was just thinking, it would be really helpful for my friend Vanessa's documentary to hear more about your vision for the show. Why don't we all grab a bite to eat?

  Julian: I suppose it couldn't hurt to, uh, give my actors a little more insight into my intentions。

  rubbing off on: 因接触/相处而对…产生影响,Serena扮演的May在小说里被自己的未婚夫忽视,Serena说自己受到角色的影响,也被自己暗恋的导演Julian忽视。

  He's just distracted: 他只是有点心不在焉

  grab a bite to eat: 去吃点东西,随便吃点,没有lunch/dinner那么正式。grab这个单词本身就有很随意的意思,比如买单可以说pay the check, 也可以用grab the check。

  I suppose it couldn't hurt: 那样也无妨


  Blair: Calm down, Serena? She got me axed from Yale. You're seriously taking her side? Fine. But a word of advice... She will be destroyed, and you don't want to become collateral damage。

  ax: To remove ruthlessly or suddenly

  take her side: 站在她那一边

  collateral damage: 附带损害unintentional civilian casualties or damage to civilian property caused by military action


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