

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年04月07日 10:17   沪江英语

  白羊座 3.21-4.19

  This week, the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year takes place on Thursday. Earlier in the week, you'll have the feeling your problems are intensifying. In particular, these problems will focus on your relationships with partners and close friends. Difficulties will arise. These people will be difficult to deal with. Tempers could fray. Fortunately, by Friday (after the Full Moon peaks on Thursday), a mellow sanity returns to these relationships. Therefore, to make sure you're on speaking terms by the end of the week, curb thy Aries tongue! Resist the quick parry from the hip. Stay lovable。

  金牛座 4.20-5.20

  The Full Moon each month occurs in a different sign, hence a different part of your chart. This week the Full Moon on Thursday will tend to rattle your cage at work. It could create tension with co-workers earlier in the week. Or you might feel pushed by the demands of your job for whatever reason. It might be difficult for you to get to work or do your job. Your health could also be stressed. (Take care of your throat。) After the Full Moon peaks on Thursday, you'll notice that these problems begin to diminish or even disappear. ("Who was that masked man?") Keep this in mind when things are tough, earlier in the week. It's a temporary squeeze play。

  双子座 5.21-6.21

  Each Full Moon has a unique flavour depending on where it lands in your chart. The Full Moon this week on Thursday could create havoc with romantic relationships, flirtations, vacation plans, anything remotely connected with sports, anything to do with children, and also anything to do with show business, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. Problems and tension in any of these areas could arise earlier in the week. If this happens, remind yourself that after Thursday (the peak of the Full Moon), these problems will diminish or completely disappear. Therefore, don't make a big deal about anything. Capice?


   巨蟹座 6.22-7.22

  This particular Full Moon on Thursday is very personal for you because it actually takes place in the "home" of your chart. (Remember, the Moon is your ruler because the Moon rules Cancer。) So in a way, it's a double whammy. That's why earlier in the week you'll feel increasing tension with family members or problems about domestic issues. But as long as you remember that this tension will subside or disappear by Friday (certainly the weekend), you'll realize you don't have to make a big deal about things. Yeah, yeah, it's tough to keep your shirt on while you're getting something off your chest。

  狮子座 7.23-8.22

  Be careful. The Full Moon this week is a bit accident-prone for you. It takes place in the part of your chart dealing with transportation, walking, jogging and driving. It also influences relationships with siblings, relatives and neighbours, as well as your speech and daily "thinking" process (including reading and writing). Yikes! We're talking a lot! That's why this week will feel scrambled, especially as you get closer to Thursday. You might feel harried, impatient and distraught. (Distraught is such a wonderful word. "Jeremy, I feel so distraught. Give me the keys to the Mercedes. I need some fresh air.") By the weekend, everything is back to normal. Whew! (See if you can keep the keys。)

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