

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年04月07日 10:17   沪江英语

  处女座 8.23-9.22

  "Money, money, money. It's always sunny in the rich man's world." You can choose Pink Floyd or ABBA or someone else entirely to describe your fixation with money this week. The Full Moon on Thursday is practically a sure guarantee that you will feel money angst and concerns about your cash flow as the week goes by and gets closer to Thursday the 9th. To be sure, money is so handy when you want to buy things, especially frills like bread and milk. The good news is that after the Full Moon peaks on Thursday your financial problems will diminish. ("Ah ha! What is this shiny brass lamp?") At the very least, by the end of the week, you'll look at things in a different way. ("Buffett lost $23 billion. Thank gawd, I never had losses like that!")

  天秤座 9.23-10.22

  This week, on Thursday the 9th, the only Full Moon in your sign all year will take place. Without question, this will increase tension and difficulties between you and partners and close friends. You might start feeling it right now at the beginning of this week, and it will likely get more hairy until Thursday. Oy vey. The thing to remember is that by Friday and the weekend, these problems will hugely go away. So don't do anything this week that is hard to forget and forgive. Play your cards right. Demonstrate grace under pressure. When you finally survive the week, you don't want to end up having to eat crow pie. (Whipped cream helps。)

  蝎子座 10.23-11.21

  This might be a rather strange week for you. That's because the Full Moon this week will take place in a hidden part of your chart that rules your subconscious. It might feel like you're giving a speech and your underwear is too tight. Whatchyagonnado? As the week goes by and Thursday looms closer and closer, you might feel generally dissatisfied with everyone and everything. Don't beat yourself up about this. It's not really your fault. Be forgiving to yourself and others. But don't blow your cool, either! Be encouraged by the knowledge that by Friday and the weekend you'll be back in fine form again. You'll feel wiggly free and fresh!

  射手座 11.22-12.21

  Relations with friends, and in particular friends and acquaintances who are members of groups with which you're involved (could be formal, could be casual), will be tested this week! (Actually, the midterm is on Thursday, the day of the Full Moon。) You might be really annoyed with someone or vice versa. These difficulties could tempt you to quit an organization or group, or write off a friend. Don't be too quick to react. All these problems will hugely diminish by Friday and the weekend. Then you can be back on speaking terms with everyone. Figure out how you can muddle through the week with minimal damage to your social scene. You can do it. (You've gotta fake being sincere。)

  摩羯座 12.22-1.19

  Heads up! This is the only Full Moon all year at high noon in your chart. Whatever occurs high in your chart is public. Other people notice it. Furthermore, these "other people" are bosses, parents, teachers -- people in authority, including the police. And a Full Moon denotes some kind of stress or opposition. In this case, the opposition is between your public life and your private, domestic world. The classic scenario would be an argument that turns public. (If your name is in the paper, make sure it's for a reason of your choice!) You might want to rebel or react to authority this week. Think twice before you do anything you'll later regret. This will all blow over by Friday。


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