2009年06月15日 11:44 沪江英语
1. Budgeting 做预算
1. Budgeting 做预算 The first step to living responsibly is to budget your money. Although many people have negative feelings towards budgeting, because they feel it is constrictive or controlling, you should realize that budgeting allows you more freedom. By choosing where you are going to spend your money before you spend it, you are controlling your future. Budgeting will help you to save for the future, and stop you from accumulating a lot of debt. If you do not want to constantly track your expenses, you may consider using an envelope system for your budget。 负责任地生活,第一步就是做预算。虽然很多人对预算都有不好的看法,觉得预算让人倍受束缚,但你应该清楚是预算给你了更多自由。理性选择开销所在,你也是在掌控着自己的将来。预算使你为未来存钱,防止积累越来越多的负债。如果你不想每天记账跟踪花销,你还可以把一月预算放进信封里。 2. Finding Your First Apartment 寻找住处
2. Finding Your First Apartment 寻找住处 Once you are finished with school and start your own job, it is important to find housing for yourself. Generally you are better off waiting to buy at least one year. This will help you to establish job security, and make sure that you like the area that you live in. You may be ready to have your own apartment without roommates, or you may choose to still have one roommate。 学校毕业,开始工作,你需要为自己寻一个住处。一般来说一年以后再考虑买房的事,这一方面帮你建立工作安全性,一方面确保你是否喜欢现在的环境。你可以独居一室,或者找人合租。 3. Paying Student Loans 缴还助学贷款
3. Paying Student Loans 缴还助学贷款 If you borrowed money to attend school, it is time to begin paying on your student loans. This process may seem like it takes forever, but you can do things to speed up the process. Make it a goal to pay off your student loans early, so that you can free up the money you have to pay towards the loans. You can save money on your loans by consolidating them and locking in a lower interest rate. Additionally you may need to consider other payment options if your budget is tight。 如果上学时申请了贷款,现在还钱的时候到了。这个还钱的过程也许看上去很漫长,但你是有办法缩短它的。确立一个目标,尽早还清贷款,也就尽早减轻这部分开支压力。你可以通过合并还款的方式把利律降低,以节省金钱。如果你预算紧张,就需要另行寻找还款方案了。 4. Insuring Yourself 为自己投保
4. Insuring Yourself 为自己投保 Now that you are truly out on your own, you are responsible for all of your expenses and emergency situations. You should make sure that you have health insurance, no matter what. Additionally you may be considering several different insurance options offered through your employer. Do not forget to get renter's insurance. This will protect you against theft and fire in your apartment。 完全依靠自己生活,你就对自己的支出和紧急事项负责。无论如何,你都应该有一份健康保险。另外你可以考虑一下你的公司提供的保险措施。不要忘记购买一份房屋租赁保险,这能保护你在遭遇盗窃和火灾时得到赔偿。 网友评论
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