

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年06月15日 11:44   沪江英语
5. Understanding Your Benefits 了解你的津贴
5. Understanding Your Benefits 了解你的津贴

  5. Understanding Your Benefits 了解你的津贴

  Now that you have your first real job, you may have all types of questions about your benefits and your salary. You should take advantage of your benefits. They can help you to save money both on your taxes and in your other bills. You may be wondering how to make your paycheck stretch a little bit further each month, you can do this by lowering your taxable income through a flexible spending account。


6. Managing Your Accounts 管理个人账户
6. Managing Your Accounts 管理个人账户

  6. Managing Your Accounts 管理个人账户

  Managing your money from day to day is essential to finding financial freedom. Once you start working you have more flexibility with your money. You will have more money to spend, and more opportunities to borrow money. You should take these added opportunities seriously. If you have accumulated credit card debt while in college you should work on getting out of debt now. You should also learn how to manage the credit resources that you have available to you now。


7. Investing for Your Future 为将来投资
7. Investing for Your Future 为将来投资

  7. Investing for Your Future 为将来投资

  The most important thing you can do now is to make your money work for you. By doing this you can shorten the number of years that you need to work and retire much earlier. Additionally you will be able to live much more comfortably over the years. A little sacrifice now will have huge payoffs in the future. You should remember that accumulating stuff is different than building true wealth. You should also take the time to learn as much as you can about money and investing。


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