2009年07月20日 12:17 沪江英语
《冰川时代3》在炎炎夏日清凉上映,去电影院捧腹大笑之时,你有没有想过这些史前动物的真面目究竟是怎么样的呢?这就为您揭开《冰河世纪》中主要角色的神秘面纱。 ![]() 猛犸象
猛犸象 woolly mammoth 曼尼是《冰河世纪》中性情温和而稳重的长毛象,这种曾经称霸冰河世纪的动物缘何灭绝于世? 猛犸生活在约1万1千年前,首次出现是480万年前,约5000年前神秘灭绝,古脊椎动物,哺乳纲,长鼻目,真象科。学名真猛犸象,也称长毛猛犸象。猛犸是鞑靼语“地下居住者”的意思,曾经是世界上最大的象。它身高体壮,有粗壮的腿,脚生四趾,头特别大,在其嘴部长出一对弯曲的大门牙。猛犸象以自己整个种群的灭亡标志了第四纪冰川时代的结束。也有一说是因为人类的屠杀造成了猛犸象的灭绝。 Manny is a woolly mammoth shown as one of the main characters in all three Ice Age films. While his true name is Manfred, many other characters throughout the films refer to him as simply "Manny"。 The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), also called the tundra mammoth, is an extinct species of mammoth. This animal is known from bones and frozen carcasses from northern North America and northern Eurasia with the best preserved carcasses in Siberia. This mammoth species was first recorded in (possibly 150,000 years old) deposits of the second last glaciation in Eurasia. They were derived from steppe mammoths (Mammuthus trogontherii) ![]() 《冰川时代3》地獭的真面目
地獭 sloth 《冰河世纪》中的席德是一只地獭,同现在动作迟缓的树懒是近亲,看这性格脾气、行动风格,也实在相去甚远。 巨型地獭,居住在数万年前的阿根廷彭巴斯大草原,又名美洲大地懒。这种动物生活在距今约1万年至10万年前的南美洲大陆,为当时体型最大的哺乳动物。身高可达6公尺,体重约5吨,前肢和后肢都具有强壮且尖锐的爪子。可以直立,并能用它那强壮的手臂与巨大的爪子将整个树枝拔下。它也是在第四纪大冰川期灭绝的。 Sid is a ground sloth shown in all three films as one of the main characters. While he is always called "Sid", Sid's full name is Sidney, as revealed by his would-be paramour Sylvia。 Ground sloths are a diverse group of extinct sloths, in the mammalian superorder Xenarthra. They may have died out as recently as 1550 AD in Hispaniola and Cuba, but had long since been extinct on the mainland of North and South America. The term "ground sloth" is used as a reference for all extinct sloths because of the large size of the earliest forms discovered, as opposed to the extant "tree sloths." However, this is an historical convention and does not imply that all extinct sloths were strictly terrestrial in nature. The megalonychid ground sloths first appeared in the early Oligocene, about 35 million years ago, in southern Argentina (Patagonia)。 ![]() 《冰川时代3》剑齿虎的真面目
剑齿虎 Smilodon 迪亚哥是《冰河世纪》中善战但同样心地善良的剑齿虎,他并不像自己的外表那么吓人,但真实的剑齿虎是这样的么? 剑齿虎一直生活到距今100万年前的更新世。它是大型猫科动物进化中的一个旁支, 生活在距今300 万~1.5 万年前的更新世——全新世时期, 与进化中的人类祖先共同渡过了近300 万年的时间。剑齿虎的体形大约与现代虎差不多,但是它的上犬齿却比起现代虎的犬齿大得多,甚至比野猪雄兽的獠牙还要大,如同两柄倒插的短剑一般。剑齿虎是个孤独的伏击杀手。它是如何利用自己的獠牙捕杀猎物的?人们却对此知之甚少。但根据比较附着在美洲豹头骨上的咬合肌,得知剑齿虎的撕咬能力相当惊人。 Diego is a Smilodon who was seen in all of the three films。 Smilodon, sometimes called sabre-toothed cat, is an extinct genus of large machairodontine saber-toothed cats that lived between approximately 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago in North and South America. They are called "sabre-toothed" for the extreme length of their maxillary canines. The La Brea tar pits in California trapped hundreds of Smilodon in the tar, possibly as they tried to feed on mammoths already trapped. The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County has many of their complete skeletons. Despite the colloquial name of "sabre-toothed tiger", Smilodon is not closely related to a tiger, which belongs to another subfamily, the Pantherinae; Smilodon is a member of the extinct subfamily Machairodontinae。 网友评论 2011-01-05 21:21:22 大大 大 大 大象大象 2011-01-05 21:20:47 象
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