2009年07月20日 12:17 沪江英语
松鼠 squirrel 《冰河世纪》里头让人印象最深刻的,就属这只外形狰狞的松鼠了。这是动画片中夸张塑造的一个角色,就算是冰川纪,也没有这么饿到穷凶恶极的松鼠哦。 松鼠体形通常中等大小,是寒温带针叶林和混交林中的典型代表动物。松鼠上颌臼齿为5枚,下颌4枚,上下颚臼齿数量不一。前后肢间无皮翼。四肢强健,趾有锐爪,爪端呈钩状,体重通常在350克左右,雌性个体比雄性个体稍重一些。松鼠体态端庄而轻盈,体长大约为18-26厘米,尾长而粗大,尾长为体长的三分之二以上,但不及体长。 Scrat is a sabre-toothed squirrel shown all three films。 A squirrel is one of many small or medium-sized rodents in the family Sciuridae. In the English-speaking world, squirrel commonly refers to members of this family's genera Sciurus and Tamiasciurus, which are tree squirrels with large bushy tails, indigenous to Asia, the Americas and Europe. Similar genera are found in Africa. The Sciuridae family also include flying squirrels, as well as ground squirrels such as the chipmunks, prairie dogs, and woodchucks。 《冰川时代3》负鼠的真面目
负鼠 opossum 第二部《冰河世纪》中增加了一头老以为自己是负鼠的女猛犸象,还老爱学兄长把自己给倒吊在树枝上。那么负鼠又是一种怎样神奇的动物咧? 负鼠是有袋目负鼠科的通称。是一种比较原始的有袋类动物,主要产自拉丁美洲。为中、小型兽类。大多数具有能缠绕的长尾,因此母负鼠能随身携带幼鼠到处奔跑。尾毛稀疏并覆以鳞片。少数种类尾短而具厚毛。四肢短,均具5趾。拇指大,无爪,能对握。平时,负鼠喜欢生活在树上。它行动十分小心,常常先用后脚钩住树枝,站稳之后再考虑下一步动作。它们会在疾奔中突然立定不动,捕捉它们的动物往往会被这个动作吓得大吃一惊;负鼠在来不及躲避敌害时,往往装死,这不是它聪明的举动而是它被吓的暂时的休克。 Crash and Eddie are two fraternal twin brother opossums that appear in the second film. These two brothers were the adopted brothers of Ellie the mammoth, but cared for her all the same, even teaching her to hang by her tail from a tree branch when she slept as they did。 Didelphimorphs are small to medium-sized marsupials, with the largest about the size of a large house cat, and the smallest the size of a mouse. They tend to be semi-arboreal omnivores, although there are many exceptions. Most members of this taxon have long snouts, a narrow braincase, and a prominent sagittal crest。 《冰川时代3》鼬鼠的真面目
鼬鼠 weasel 这是《冰河世纪》第三部中的新角色,一只叫做Buck的鼬鼠,这位疯疯癫癫的独眼龙老兄是不是让你想起了《狮子王》中经典的猫釉丁满咧? 鼬鼠有一种体形很小的黄鼠狼,它广泛分布于亚北极地区的丛林中,有时也穿越丛林的边缘进入北极苔原,但严格说来,它们算不上是北极居民。常年生活在北极草原上的最小的食肉动物是鼬鼠,或称之为貂,它们才是真正的北极居民。 Buck (short for Buckminster) was a weasel that makes an appearance in Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs。 Originally, the name "weasel" was applied to one species of the genus, the European form of the Least Weasel (Mustela nivalis). Early literary references to weasels, for example their common appearances in fables, refer to this species rather than to the genus as a whole, reflecting what is still the common usage in the United Kingdom. In technical discourse, however, as in American usage, the term "weasel" can refer to any member of the genus, or to the genus as a whole。 《冰川时代3》霸王龙的真面目
霸王龙 tyrannosaurus 《冰河世纪》第三部中另一个看点就是地獭母性大发,养了仨霸王龙宝宝,非常爆笑。印象中霸王龙是一种非常残暴的恐龙,但近年来的新发现可能为之正名哦。 暴龙又名霸王龙,身长约13公尺,体重约7公吨,生存于距今约6850万年到6550万年的是白垩纪末期。暴龙是二足恐龙,拥有大型头颅骨,并藉由长而重的尾巴来保持平衡。相对于它们大而强壮的后肢,暴龙的前肢非常小。长久以来,暴龙被认为只有两根手指,但在2007年发现的一个完整的暴龙化石,显示它们可能具有三根手指。暴龙的饮食习性现时不明:随着科学家利用暴龙的骸骨来制作模型,以模拟它们的行为,实验结果使他们认为暴龙其实应该是种食腐动物;另外,甚至亦有科学家指当时根本没有足够肉食以供暴龙食用,所以大多数时候它们都是吃素的。这些观点互相矛盾,到现在还未有统一的结论。 Momma was a female Tyrannosaurus that took Sid the sloth away from his herd when he took her eggs from her。 Tyrannosaurus (meaning 'tyrant lizard') was a genus of theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex ('rex' meaning 'king' in Latin), commonly abbreviated to T. rex, is a fixture in popular culture. It lived throughout what is now western North America, with a much wider range than other tyrannosaurids. Fossils are found in a variety of rock formations dating to the last three million years of the Cretaceous Period, approximately 68 to 65 million years ago. It was among the last non-avian dinosaurs to exist prior to the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event。 网友评论
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