2009年08月21日 14:37 沪江英语
![]() 我们大人会喜欢看《飞屋环游记》么?
1、大人会喜欢看《飞屋环游记》么? 除非你铁石心肠,你绝对会喜欢这部电影。它会拨动你的心弦,同时也有足够多的动作戏和幽默桥段让小孩子笑开怀。 1. Will I like it? Yes,unless you have a heart of stone. This movie tugs at theheartstrings and yet has enough action andhumor to keep the kids occupied。 ![]() 《飞屋环游记》和别的皮克斯电影有类似之处么?
2.《飞屋环游记》和别的皮克斯电影有类似之处么? 当然,皮克斯出品的电影就是画面质量超有保证,此外故事情节也相当抓人。这部片子可谓老少皆宜,跟那啥,收集垃圾的机器人一样一样一样滴。 2. Is it anything like other Pixar movies? Yes,because while it does have amazing visuals–almost a given fromthis studio–it doesn’t forget the story. The movie makes an elderly manas interesting to kids as, well, a garbage gathering robot。 ![]() 我们家孩子会喜欢《飞屋环游记》么?
3、我们家孩子会喜欢《飞屋环游记》么? 我是带上我们家9岁的双胞胎去看的,他们至始至终都被剧情深深吸引。电影开场有一段小小的前言,没有对白的剧情,我以为他们俩会无聊,结果他们也都很喜欢这段剧中剧。 3. Will my kids like it? Itook the nine-year-old twins with me and they were absorbed the entiretime. There is a short sequence at the beginning that is a quietprologue where I thought they might be bored but they liked thelittle story within a story。 ![]() 有什么不适合小孩子的剧情
4、有什么不适合小孩子的剧情使得它是PG(需家长引导)级的电影呢? 其实不多,基本也就是大众级的影片。故事中的确涉及到了死亡的话题。男主角的妻子刚刚过世,观众们都会感觉到他的哀思。带小孩儿去看的话得事先提醒下,因为开场真的很感伤,闹得我都眼泪汪汪的。 4. It’s PG, how PG is it? Ican’t think of much that would have pushed it to a PG rating ratherthan a G. It does deal with adult subjects, like death. Theelderly man at the center of the movie is a recent widower andwe feel his grief at his wife’s death. Those with younger kidsshould be forewarned, it’s a very sad sequence that brought tears to myeyes。 ![]() 啥时候适合跑厕所?
5、啥时候适合跑厕所? 过了暴风雨之后着陆之前吧。他们花了好些时候才落地的。 5. What’s the best time for a bathroom break? Probably just after the big storm that sends the floating house off-course. It takes them a few minutes to land。 网友评论
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