

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月10日 17:54   沪江英语
The Karate Kid
The Karate Kid



  The Karate Kid

  While not normally thought of as a 'classroom' movie, The Karate Kid has much to say to teachers: Sometimeswe have to have our students do things that they will not understanduntil much later; Basic skills are most important; Honor and integrity are central to character; Students need to see us beam with excitement over their achievements. A fun, nostalgic and inspiring movie to relish。

Music of the Heart
Music of the Heart



  Music of the Heart

  This film shows the influence

  that one person's drive and vision can have on others. Meryl Streepplays real-life Roberta Guaspari who moves to Harlem as a single-motherand becomes a violin teacher. Working through racial and other barriers,Roberta creates an acclaimed music program in an area where many wouldhave said it was impossible. Definitely a heart-warming movie。

Renaissance Man
Renaissance Man



  Renaissance Man

  Danny Devito's performance as a teacher of the 'Double-D's' is both humorous and inspired.What appears to be a light-hearted comedy truly has a deeper meaning.Devito's character proves that William Shakespeare still has much toteach students. Surprisingly clean and somewhat corny at times, Renaissance Man in the end teaches important life lessons on responsibility and character。

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