2009年09月10日 17:54 沪江英语
![]() The Karate Kid
《小子难缠》教师之于学生,有很多很多的东西要注意 剧情简介:丹尼尔(RalphMacchio饰)和他的母亲从新泽西搬到了加利福尼亚,他的母亲有一份完美的新工作,但是丹尼尔却过得很不愉快。他感到自己很难以融入新的生活之中,尤其是学校生活不如人意。丹尼尔是一个黑头发的意大利男孩,并且还带有浓重的新泽西口音,然后,这里的人们却都是金黄的头发,尤其是当他喜欢上了一个金发的女孩时,所有的问题让他感到更加窘迫。 The Karate Kid While not normally thought of as a 'classroom' movie, The Karate Kid has much to say to teachers: Sometimeswe have to have our students do things that they will not understanduntil much later; Basic skills are most important; Honor and integrity are central to character; Students need to see us beam with excitement over their achievements. A fun, nostalgic and inspiring movie to relish。 ![]() Music of the Heart
《弦动我心》教育史冲破种族等等障碍 剧情简介:音乐教师罗伯塔是两个孩子的母亲,她的丈夫查尔斯因有外遇而离家出走。不幸的婚姻和生活的压力一度使罗伯塔心力交瘁,所幸的是她并未由此而消沉。在朋友的帮助下,她来到东哈要学校开设小提琴课。经过数十年的辛勤耕耘,孩子们学有所成,罗伯塔也因此得到了人们的谅解和尊敬。然而,由于经费等原因学校准备停开这门课程。以后罗伯塔的支持者通过私人基金收到的捐款继续支持着她。 Music of the Heart This film shows the influence that one person's drive and vision can have on others. Meryl Streepplays real-life Roberta Guaspari who moves to Harlem as a single-motherand becomes a violin teacher. Working through racial and other barriers,Roberta creates an acclaimed music program in an area where many wouldhave said it was impossible. Definitely a heart-warming movie。 ![]() Renaissance Man
《天兵总动员》在搞怪笑料中领悟责任与社会角色的重要性 【剧情简介】中年广告人丹尼·德维托突然被公司解雇,使他一下子陷入困境,不得已接受了另一份工作,跑到军营里教英文。不料这群学生都是脑筋有问题的大兵,令他备感烦恼。后来,他干脆赌气地以莎士比亚戏剧为教材,不料反而收到意想不到的效果,师生之间的关系也有了令人振奋的转变。 Renaissance Man Danny Devito's performance as a teacher of the 'Double-D's' is both humorous and inspired.What appears to be a light-hearted comedy truly has a deeper meaning.Devito's character proves that William Shakespeare still has much toteach students. Surprisingly clean and somewhat corny at times, Renaissance Man in the end teaches important life lessons on responsibility and character。 网友评论
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