

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月10日 17:54   沪江英语
The Miracle Worker
The Miracle Worker



  The Miracle Worker

  The ultimate teaching miracle, Anne Bancroft is awesome as Annie Sullivan who uses 'tough love' to get through to the deaf andblind Helen Keller played by Patty Duke. Very few people can watch thefamous 'water' scene without experiencing a feeling of triumph and relief. Excellent portrayal of the importance of perseverence. Both Bancroft and Duke won an Academy Award for their performances。

To Sir With Love
To Sir With Love


  剧情简介:黑人影帝西德尼。波埃特脍炙人口的名作之一,他饰演一名中学教师,应聘到伦敦的公学任教,学生都是喜欢惹事生非的顽劣青年,甚至有人向他下面挑战。他施展浑身解数感化这群坏学生,终于赢得了应有的尊敬。英国导演詹姆斯。克莱威尔技巧流畅而富戏剧感染力,而一群个性强烈的新人也演得突出,因而将这个良师劣徒的经典故事拍得相当有吸引力。女歌星鲁鲁饰演班上一名调皮学生,当她被老师感化之后于舞会唱出感念老师的主题曲"TO SIR,WITH LOVE"时,把感人的剧力推向了令人掉泪的高潮。

  To Sir With Love

  Produced in 1967, this film with Sidney Poitier as a novice teacher has a lot to teach us today. Poitier takes a teaching position in the rough part of London in order to pay his bills. Realizing that his students need to be taught important life lessons more than the curriculum he has been handed to teach them, he throws out the lesson plans and makes a real impact on their personal lives。

Dead Poet’s Society
Dead Poet’s Society



  Dead Poet's Society

  Robin Williams gives an awesome performance as an unconventional English teacher in a very conventional (read conservative)private school. His love of poetry and his inspiring teaching methodshave a great impact on his students. The central message of the movie, to live life to the fullest everyday, is not lost. Further, Williams' poetry recitations are awe-inspiring

Mr. Holland’s Opus
Mr. Holland’s Opus



  Mr. Holland's Opus

  This memorable movie gives all teachers hope that they truly have an impact on their students. Richard Dreyfuss is wonderful as a musician/composer who must take a teaching job to support his family. In the end, Dreyfuss' character realizes that he has had as much if not more of an impact from his teaching as he would have as a composer。

Lean on Me
Lean on Me



  Lean on Me

  Morgan Freeman plays Joe Clark, the real-life bat-wielding Principal whose goal was to bring discipline and learning to Eastside High School in New York. While he was notalways the easiest on the teachers, it would sure be nice if morePrincipals stressed the importance of discipline and learning in their schools as he did. This film shows the importance of having strong leadership at the top。

Dangerous Minds
Dangerous Minds



  Dangerous Minds

  Michelle Pfeiffer is excellent as real-life former marine Louanne Johnson. Teaching English in a tough inner-city school, she reaches the "unteachable" through caring and understanding. Very true-to-life, Dangerous Minds does not fall into sentimentality but instead teaches us of the importance of making our own choices and not allowing circumstances to rule us。

Stand and Deliver
Stand and Deliver



  Stand and Deliver

  The classic teacher movie whose message is very important in today's society: never believe that students are unable to learn. Instead of teaching to the lowest common denominator,Edward James Olmos in a true story as Jaime Escalante sets his sightsmuch higher, getting them to pass the AP Calculus exam. Excellent,enjoyable choice。

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