

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年09月25日 15:56   新浪教育


Bush dances while waiting for McCain
Bush dances while waiting for McCain

  1. Bush dances while waiting for McCain

  It was already going to be a delicate moment of political theater —an unpopular president offering a candidate he didn't really likean endorsement the candidate didn't really want. But the situationwas made all the more awkward when George W. Bush went to the NorthPortico steps of the White House in March to welcome new Republicanpresidential nominee John McCain — and McCain wasn't there. "So,anyway," Bush said to waiting reporters. "As I was saying..." Stillno McCain. The president smiled. And then he did a soft-shoe dance."I'm just going to tap dance the day away," he said. Minutes later,McCain arrived with wife in tow, and the tap-dancing presidentendorsed the tardy candidate。




  2. Greenspan "shocked" to find flaws in his free-market ideology

  He used to be known as "The Maestro," for presiding over such along period of economic growth. But this fall the former FederalReserve chairman was being blamed for the laissez faire economicpolicies that contributed to the current financial crisis. InCongressional testimony in October, Alan Greenspan acknowledgedthat he was "partially" wrong in opposing financial regulation."Yes, I found a flaw," he said, when grilled about his free-marketideology. "That is precisely the reason I was shocked, because I'dbeen going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidencethat it was working exceptionally well." Also shocked is anyone whoplans on retiring before the end of the next geologic era。




  3. Olympic committee's about-face in Beijing

  Olympic etiquette dictates that you don't diss your host country.So in August, when four U.S. cyclists disembarked from their planein Beijing wearing masks to guard against the city's notorious airpollution, the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) demanded that theathletes apologize to the Chinese. The only problem was that themasks had been provided to the cyclists by the USOC itself. That'sright. The USOC forced athletes to apologize for wearing gear ithad specifically designed for them and recommended they wear. Thecyclists said the negative encounter, which took place three daysbefore the Games started, prevented them from performing their bestand earning any medals. In September, the USOC sent a letter to theathletes, acknowledging it had mishandled the situation。




  4. The View over use of the N word

  Really, is there any better place for probing cultural analysisthan daytime television? Tempers flared when the co-hosts of ABC'sThe View discussed Jesse Jackson's off-air use of the "N-word"while preparing for an appearance on Fox News. Elisabeth Hasselbeckdisagreed with Whoopi Goldberg and Sherri Shepherd about the use ofthe word. Hasselbeck made the case that it's a slur and shouldnever be used, Goldberg that it's OK for African Americans to sayit. Then the two women argued about whether they live in the sameworld, Hasselbeck started to cry and Barbara Walters snapped, "Takea breath, let someone else talk." And the wounds of a nation werehealed。



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