10. Woody Harrelson 伍迪·哈里森 这位演员今年可谓表现出色,《尸乐园》中杀怪的威风,《信使》里足以得奖的表演,再有独立电影《保卫者》的登场,这回他在《2012》中扮演一位以房车为家,落户黄石国家公园的阴谋理论家,开通自己电台向民众传递世界末日的消息。他在影片中的表演可圈可点,尤其是那一句“下载我博客吧!”顺带一说那个博客上的末世动画做得实在好玩~~ Woody Harrelson has had quite a year, ranging from his quirky crowd-pleasing role in Zombieland to his award-worthy performance in The Messenger to his indie spotlight in Defendor. Then there is 2012. Harrelson does a delightful job of schlocking it up as a conspiracy theorist that lives in a RV camper turned-radio station in Yellowstone NationalPark. He is one of the few characters that knows exactly what kind ofmovie he is in as he recites classics such as, “download my blog!” 裂得刚刚好
9. Cracks of Perfection 裂得刚刚好 全世界大爆炸还不够哦,罗兰的完美主义还真离谱。一开始是超市大地震,Amanda和她的男友正在买东西,她男朋友说:“亲耐滴,我觉得有什么东西把我们俩分开了。”接着就真的地裂了,地上的大裂缝直接就从他们俩中间穿过去了。这还不够,回头在梵蒂冈西斯廷大教堂大伙儿在那儿祈祷,屋顶就裂了,裂缝在米开朗基罗名画《创世纪》亚当和上帝未能触及的手指中间穿过。然后小编我就狂心痛啊…… It’s not enough to just blow up the world; Roland Emmerich must do it with precision. Early in the film massive cracks appear in the San Andreas Fault right underneath a supermarketwhere Amanda Peet and her new boyfriend, played by Tom McCarthy, areshopping. McCarthy says, “Honey, I feel like there is something pullingus apart,” and moments later the cracks rip in between them. If youthink that takes the cake, later in the film a crack rips directlythrough Adam and God’s extended fingers in Michelangelo’s SistineChapel painting。 电影就是巧合她妈生的
8. Plot Holes Galore 电影就是巧合她妈生的 主人公总是能在他脚下那块地儿塌陷之前逃出生天;荒僻的山区里头走着走着就能遇上善良的藏民;整容医生在不同情况下会开不同型号的飞机;小黑男主角恰恰就很葱白小白男主角来着。反正这家人吧,rp值实在太高了! One may think Star Trek has little similarities with 2012 but in a latter scene where John Cusack’s group crash landsand is within walking distance of a group of Tibetan characters iseerily similar to a meet-up between Captain Kirk and Spock in Abram’ssummer blockbuster. Other disturbances in plot range from a plastic surgeon being able to fly two different types of planes through impossible situations and Chiwetel Ejiofor’s character knowing all about Cusack during their first meet-up. I don’t want to give them all up as itbecomes quite a fun game picking out your favorites while you enjoy the film。 人之将死
7. Last Minute Calls To Loved Ones 人之将死…… 电影里惯用的俗套剧情,就是人之将死,电话诉衷肠。这档子事儿在《2012》里发生的几率那可真叫一个高啊!从美国总统致电第一女儿,到印度一家人致电生平好友,再到挺莫名的没足够发展空间的游轮乐手未能通畅的电话,这堆强扭的电话居然在全世界震成那样儿的时候还都能打通嘿!奇迹。 You know those scenes where a character plasters their previously subdued emotions all over the screen right before they die? That happens topretty much every character in 2012. Whether it is the president’s callto his daughter, an Indian family calling their friend (Ejiofor),Oliver Platt’s call to his mother or two underdeveloped jazz playersreaching out to lost connections, there is enough palpable forced emotion in the film to satisfy the rest of Emmerich’s career。 相关链接: 网友评论
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