
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月20日 11:59   沪江英语


  Last year’s Twilight premiere was insane, but New Moon was even bigger。

  Last year’s Twilight premiere brought an estimated thousand fans to the streets of Westwood, CA, for a mass love fest that showed the rest of the world that this Twilight thing was a bona fide phenomenon in the making. This year, the cat was out of the bag and the fever pitch multiplied even further. Fans arrived as early as Thursday to camp out for five days to nab a spot at the front of the line, just for a chance to see New Moon’sstars up close and personal. They didn’t even get to see the movie! Nowthat’s dedication。



  Think teenage fans are the craziest? Think again。

  Kidsskipped school. Adults called in sick. Some drove in from Oregon andflew from New York and Canada just for the three-hour event. There weremore fans, more paparazzi, more desperation was in the air, and more pitiable security guards attempting to rein it all in. There was pushing, shoving, yelling, threata of sabotage;it was every Twi-hard for herself. One little girl told us that a grownwomen pulled her hair to get her out of the way, and that’s just wrong.And yet, not all that shocking。


  《暮光之城》的作者Stephenie Meyer难得公开亮相,可惜在星光熠熠的红毯上,她的打扮真是不敢恭维。

  Stephenie Meyer made a rare public appearance, but lost points for fashion。

  After writing her Twilight novel series, author Stephenie Meyer retreated into the safety of her bubble of privacy to take time off from making public appearances and doinginterviews. So it was nice for fans to see her hit Oprah’s couch lastweek and walk the red carpet at the New Moon premiere, where she metfans and spent time talking with a number of fan sites。

  Unfortunately, at an event so saturated with meticulously styled designer gowns, where even 15-year-old Dakota Fanning wore Valentino, Meyer’s old timey updo and Victorian-style dress did not fly with the fashionista set。

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