
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月20日 11:59   沪江英语
个性女歌手Anya Marina
个性女歌手Anya Marina

  演唱了《新月》插曲的Anya Marina却是个富有争议的人物,不是所有粉丝都喜欢她,所以她在红毯上的亮相会是一场灾难么?

  Anya Marina on the red carpet: A delight or a disaster?

  Soundtrack artist Anya Marina co-hosted the live MySpace red carpet stream tomixed reactions-some fans dubbed her "Annoying Anya," which is notgenerally what you want to go for when making your talking head debut.Her song, Satellite

  Heart, appears on the chart-topping soundtrack to New Moon, and it’spretty good; unfortunately, Marina took every opportunity to tellexactly that to the stars she was interviewing throughout the night。

最酷打扮明星Joan Jett
最酷打扮明星Joan Jett

  《新月》首映式上的真可谓明星云集,包括男女主角参演的其他电影的合作演员,福克斯台《欢乐合唱团》的同学们,《舞林争霸》的女主持Cat Deeley与男友《月蚀》男演员Jack Huston手拉手出席。不过摇滚明星Joan Jett的黑皮靴却是惊艳全场。

  Coolest celebrity of the night: Joan Jett

  The New Moon cast brought plenty of their famous friends along for the bignight, including Rob Pattinson’s Remember Me co-star Emilie de Ravin,the cast of Fox’s Glee, Emma Roberts, Brett Ratner, Kevin Smith, Grey’sAnatomy’s Justin Chambers and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and So You Think YouCan Dance hostess Cat Deeley, who came on the arm of Eclipse actor Jack Huston. Basically, everyone in Hollywood who’d been pestered by agirlfriend or a child to get into the premiere.But all bowed down to one star’s black biker boots: Joan Jett, the rock star and role model for Kristen Stewart’s next film, The Runaways。

最亲善明星Kellan Lutz
最亲善明星Kellan Lutz

  库伦家的Emmett在剧中颇为冷淡,可是在首映式上扮演Emmett的演员Kellan Lutz却极为友善,签了一打名儿,还跟粉丝合影,真是超high。

  Nicest celebrity of the night: Kellan Lutz

  Twilight’sEmmett pulled the best move of the night when, after signing autographs, he pulled two fans wearing 'Nutz for Lutz'shirts out of the crowd and escorted them into the premiere screening as his impromptu guests。

最意料之外明星50 cent
最意料之外明星50 cent

  最意想不到的到场明星毫无疑问是50 Cent的Fiddy,谁会想到他一个嘻哈大老爷们会跑来参加一以小姑娘为主要观众群的电影首映式咧?

  Random celebrity of the night: 50 Cent

  Redcarpets draw a lot of random stars, but who would have guessed thatFiddy himself would show up to support New Moon? Coincidentally, hejust released a new album, but we’re sure that had nothing to do withit。


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