2009年12月04日 14:41 沪江英语
怎么做纸包鸡? 所需食材: 鸡胸肉(切片)、豌豆荚、葱丝、姜丝、玻璃纸、葱、料酒、酱油、盐、麻油、胡椒 制作方法: 将鸡肉片加入料酒、酱油、盐、麻油、胡椒料拌匀备用。 一张玻璃纸包上一块鸡肉,一片豌豆荚及少许葱、姜丝,包裹成长方形状。 油烧熟,放入纸包鸡大火炸2分钟,见鸡浮起后,用漏勺压一压立即捞出。纸包鸡内亦可加些香菰丝或辣椒丝。 3 1/2 lb Chicken 2 ts Cornstarch 1 ts Sugar 1 ts Salt Dash of pepper 1 tb Rice wine 1 ts Thin soy sauce 1 1/2 ts Hoisin sauce 1 tb Oyster sauce 2 ts Catsup 2 Quarts oil for deep-frying 3 Thin slices ginger, slivered 3 Green onions, slivered Paper or aluminum foil 6"x6" 45 Squares unwaxed butcher Skin and bone chicken; then cut into pieces 1 1/2" x2" long。 Sprinkle chicken with each of the ingredients listed under "marinade," mix well and then add the green onions and ginger. Marinate for 2 hours。 See diagrams for wrapping。 Heat the oil to 325 degrees and then carefully put each package into the oil。 Deep-fry 4 minutes on each side。 ![]() 菠萝油王子
“麦兜与菠萝油王子” 天马行空的《麦兜与菠萝油王子》是麦兜系列电影中较为晦涩个人化的一部。而自幼看惯港剧的我们对“菠萝油”这一茶餐厅小吃想必并不陌生。 什么是菠萝油? 香港很多茶餐厅都会供应菠萝油,搭配咖啡、奶茶(丝袜奶茶)或鸳鸯作为下午茶餐或早餐。是普罗大众的至爱。菠萝油最好的吃法是将新鲜出炉的菠萝包夹上冰冷的牛油,这样牛油就会被菠萝包的热力影响而溶化在包身的中间位置,包身会被溶化的牛油变成金黄色,而食用时菠萝油与菠萝包不同之处是能够吃出浓厚的牛油的香味。但由於加上了牛油,所以菠萝油比菠萝包的脂肪与胆固醇含量更要高一些。 Many Hong Kong restaurants, offer an item called a "buttered pineapple bun", which is a pineapple bun with a piece of butter stuffed inside. They are known in Cantonese as bo lo yau. Typically, the pastry would be brought hot from the oven to the diner's table, and served halved with a large slab of butter in between them. This item is sometimes criticised for containing too much fat and cholesterol。 怎么做菠萝油? 所需食材: 面粉200克,菠萝肉150克,猪油20克,吉士粉5克,鸡蛋黄1/4只,白糖30克,面包改良剂5克,鲜奶30克 制作方法: 将面粉、猪油、吉士粉与调味料拌匀,加入清水,搓成面团,分成12个小面团;菠萝肉切碎备用;用擀面杖将小面团擀扁,然后取适量菠萝肉包在中间,再醒发1小时;将发酵好的面包坯均匀刷上一层鸡蛋黄、放入200摄氏度的烤箱烤15分钟即成。吃时将冷藏牛油夹入新鲜烘烤的面包中,冷热相交,回味无穷。 1. Dissolve sugar with warm milk in a mixing bowl. Sprinkle dry yeastover and let proof for about 10 minutes. Add in bread flour and egg.Stir at low speed until a rough dough ball formed. Stir in salt andbutter until evenly dispersed. Increase the speed to medium and kneadthe dough until a soft and elastic dough has formed. The dough shouldpass the windowpane test. (stretching the dough to see if it thins out)。 2. Turn onto floured surface and knead briefly, then form into a dough ball. Place it in lightly greased bowl. Cover with a plastic wrap andplace the whole container in a warm bath (35C/95F) 45 minutes, untilnearly double in size. Coat one of your fingers with flour, then pressit gently into the center of risen dough to the bottom. If theindentation remains, the dough is ready. Punch down the dough and divide into 9 equal pieces, roll each piece into a ball. Cover with aplastic wrap and let rest for 10 minutes. Flatten each dough, with theseam side down. Turn and wrap in poppy fillings. Place them on a bakingtray lined with parchment paper. Cover and let rise for about 35 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F。 3. At the meantime,combine together sugar, baking ammonia and baking soda in a bowl. Siftin the flour and milk powder. Add in the rest of ingredients and mixtill all incorporated. On a plastic wrap, flatten each pineapple topping to round, about the size of each dough bun. Place them on thedough bun and lightly score with a tooth pick to create checked surface,which resembles a pineapple. Brush on egg wash and bake at 200C/400F for about 16 minutes on middle rack。 网友评论
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