2009年12月10日 11:49 太傻网
We get so few of them。 我们很少有这样的一天 Thereare so many things we wish we could tell the young 有太多的事情我们想要告诉孩子们 We'dlike to persuade them not to grow up so fast 我们想说服他们,不要这么快就长大。 But theywon't listen。 但他们听不进去。 We want to tell them the beauty face but theyrefuse to believe it。 我们想告诉他们,花容总有凋谢的一天,但他们拒绝相信。 We worn them thattheir actions will have consequences, but still they defy us。 我们警告他们,他们的所作所为会有后果,但他们仍然不予理睬。 Suddenly the young can began tounderstand the world is a dangerous place。 终有一天,孩子们会意识到这个世界是危险的 So it’sup to us to do anything we can to protect them 所以我们要做的就是,尽一切可能来保护他们 Absolutely anything 不惜一切代价。 Dangerous men walk among us。 危险的人在我们之中潜伏。 And we can’t always be sure who they are or what secretthey hide。 我们不是总能肯定他们是谁,或者他们隐藏着怎样的秘密。 But once our suspicious areconfirmed 但是最可怕的疑虑得到证实。 We can take action。 我们就可以采取行动 Once theiragenda were revealed 一旦他们的行事议程被揭露。 We can take steps to protectourselves and those we love。 我们就能采取措施保护自己和我们爱的人。 Yes, dangerous men cancause great harm 是的,危险的人会造成巨大的伤害。 But sometimes the greatest dangerousthey pose is to themselves。 但是人有时候他们所做有最危险的事, 是对他们自己做的。 There's areason people can't wait for Christmas, and it has little to do withfamily reunions。 人们等不及过圣诞节的理由和家人团聚没有任何关系。 Or curling up with a cup ofeggnog. 或是为了蜷缩着喝一杯蛋酒。 with that unexpected kiss beneath the mistletoe。 又或是槲寄生下那个意料的吻。 or receiving a present from a special someone。 或是收到某个特殊的人送来的礼物。 no, people look forward to Christmas。 不是的,人们期待圣诞节的到来。 because they know, it's a time for miracles。 因为他们知道,是时候.。。出现奇迹了.。。 It's a dangerous world. So we all look for protection.And whether wefind i t in the arms of our mother,or at the end of a jagged blade, orin the kiss of our sweetheart, or at the end of a barrel. We do what wehave to to feel safe. Because we know somewhere in the world there arethose who would do us harm。 这个世界危机四伏,所以我们都会寻求保护。不管是妈妈那温暖的臂弯,还是一把锯齿刀片,不管是心爱妻子的一个轻吻,还是一把手枪。为了安全感,我们不得不有所行动。因为我们知道世界上的某个地方,有想伤害我们的人。 Yes, it can happen so quickly. Lifeas we know it can change in the blink of an eye. Unlikely friendshipscan blossom. Important careers can be tossed aside. A long -lost hopecan be rekindled.Still, we should be grateful for whatever changes life throws at us, because all too soon the day will come when there areno chan ges left。 是的,世事瞬息万变。转眼之间,面目全非。不可能的友谊可以开花结果,重要的事业可以放置一边,灰飞烟灭的希望可以重新点燃。不论如何,我们仍然要感激生活的改变,因为不久末日来临,就不在有任何改变了。 Recapturing the past is a tricky business.While most memories are simply souve nirs of a happier time, others canbe quite deadly。 回顾过去不是件容易事,其中大部分是关于快乐时光的记忆,也有的可能是致命的。 In everyhousewife's closet, there's an article of clothing that tells you moreabout its owner than she would want you to know. It might be a T-shirtthat she despises but wears without complaint. Perhaps it's somelingerie, she knows isn't hers, but refuses to discuss... Or a dressshe once loved, that she can no longer bear to look at this. You canlearn a lot about women f rom what they choose to wear. You can learneven more by what they choose to ta ke off, and who they take it offfor。 每个主妇的衣橱里,满满的都是关于着装的文章,记载着主人很多不为人知的细节。也许是一件T恤,她很不喜欢,却毫无怨言的穿上;也许是一件内衣,她明知不是自己的,却拒绝提起;也许是一件她曾经非常喜欢的长裙,可如今却再也不想看见。是的,女人决定穿什么,会让你知晓很多,但是如果知道她愿意褪去什么,为谁褪去,你会更加了解她的。 It's so easy to spot the lonely ones.They're thepeople who tell stories to the ir plants, and whisper secrets to theirpets, and have arguments with their TV, and the loneliest of all arethe ones who talk to people who are no longer the re。 孤单的身影总是随处可见。他们向自己的盆栽倾诉心事,向自己的宠物分享秘密,和自己的电视机争吵不休,但最孤单的则是这样一类人,他们向亡者倾诉。 Passion. It's a force so potent we still remember it long after it'sfaded away . A drive so alluring it can push us to the arms ofunexpected lovers. A sensat ion so overwhelming it can knock down wallswe built to protect our hearts. A f eeling so intense it resurfaceseven though we try so hard to keep it buried. Y es, of all emotions,passion is the one that gives us a reason to live and an e xcuse tocommit all sorts of crimes。 激情,就算它在逝去很久以后,仍是让人如此难以忘记。它是如此强烈的诱惑,把我们推到意想不到的爱人怀中;它是无法抗拒的感情,击垮了我们修筑起来的保护心灵的高墙;它是那尽管我们如此努力的埋藏,却仍浮出水面的炙热情感。是的,在所有的情绪中,激情给了我们生活下去的理由,却也给我们了犯下各种罪刑的借口。 Power, it's the type of thing most people don't think about,until it's taken a way. Whether it's the political power of the many,ora lover's influence over j ust one. We all want some sort of power inour lives, if only to give ourselves choices. Yes, to be withoutchoices, to feel utterly powerless, well...it's a lot...like beingalone...in the dark。 能量,多数人平日里毫不在意,直到有一天猝然消逝才会察觉。不论是大众的政治权力,还是恋人间亲亲我我的影响。人生中我们都需要某种能量,哪怕只是给我们一些选择。是的,假如连选择都没有,假如连一丝能量都没有,那么在黑暗中,蔓延开来的,就是无边无际的孤独。 Gossip--it'sjust a harmless form of recreation. It's careless talk that deals inpolite fiction. It's nasty speculation that's based on not-so-politefact. H pw do we protect ourselves from the venomous sting pf such idlegoddip?The best way is to just tell the truth . 321 Anyone can end up avictim...injured by the actions of others .But whether the damage isinficted by a cunning ex-wife...or a blow delivered by the object ofour affection ...the time comes when we must pick ourselves up andcontinue on our journey .And if we can't ,then all we can pray for...is rescue 。 人人都会末路逢凶,被他人所伤。但无论是被狡猾的前妻算计,还是被我们心仪的对象打击,我们都要站起来,收拾行囊,我们都要站起来,继续旅程。如果我们做不到,那就只有祈求,被救赎。 From the moment we wake up in the morning till ourhead hits the pillow at nigh t our lives are filled with questions .Most are easily answered and soon forfotten ,but some questions aremuch harder to ask because we're so afraid of the answer .Will I bearound to watch my chi ldren grow up ?Am i making mistake by marryingthis man?Could he ever truly lov e me ?And what happens when we askourself the hard question and get the answer we'd been hoping for?Well,that's when happiness begins。 从我们清晨醒来,到我们夜晚入睡,我们的生活充满了疑问。一些容易回答,也容易被忘记;有些问题却难以提出,因为我们害怕知道答案--我能否或者看到孩子们长大?我是否嫁对了人?他是否会真心爱我?以及,当我们终于开口问了问题,也得到了我们希望得到的答案,又会发生什么事情?幸福的生活将从此开始。
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