2009年12月14日 14:04 沪江英语
![]() 第六名仍旧停留在日耳曼的土地上
Situated on the Rhine, the city is renowned as a centre for German fashion, advertising and telecommunications, while the Dusseldorf Karneval attracts millions of visitors each year. The city is twinned with Warsaw, Moscow, Cairo and Reading。 第六名仍旧停留在日耳曼的土地上。莱茵河畔的杜塞尔多夫是德国时尚、广告及电讯业的中心。这座城市每年都吸引上百万的旅行者前往,同时它也是华沙、莫斯科、开罗和雷丁的姐妹城市。 ![]() 航海之城的奥克兰
Home to 31 per cent of New Zealand's population, Auckland boast two harbours - Waitemata to the north and Manukau to the south, helpingearn its nickname: the City of Sails。 榜单第五位,我们飞越大洋来到南半球的新西兰。别称航海之城的奥克兰拥有新西兰近三分之一的人口。 ![]() 温哥华以其干净、最适宜居住的形象榜上有名
Consistently ranking among the cleanest, most livable cities in the world, Vancouver possesses an ethnically-diverse population, while ithas become a centre for shipping, film production and a popular tourist destination。 几乎在任何相关榜单上,你都能看到温哥华以其干净、最适宜居住的形象榜上有名。温哥华是一个多民族城市,它同时也是航行、电影制作和旅行胜地的热门城市。 ![]() 瑞士日内瓦
With a population of around 185,000, Geneva is best known for diplomacy (it is home to various UN and Red Cross agencies), finance and the CERN nuclear research facility - birthplace of the World Wide Web and the Large Hadron Collider。 只有18万人口的瑞士日内瓦是全球众多知名组织的所在地,其中包括联合国欧洲总部、红十字组织总部、欧洲核子研究中心、以及互联网和大型强子对撞器得发明地。 ![]() 苏黎世排名第二
One of Europe's richest cities and home to a wealth of multilingual Europeans, Zurich has attracted the likes of IBM, UBS, Google and Microsoft - each of whom has offices in the city. Novelist James Joyce died and was buried in Zurich。 作为欧洲最富有的城市之一,苏黎世排名第二似乎不在意料之外。这座城市吸引了诸如IBM, UBS, Google和微软等多家世界知名企业落户。值得一提的是,作家詹姆斯乔伊斯(沪江小编按:著名意识流小说《尤利西斯》的作者)是在这里去世、并埋葬的。 ![]() 第一名揭晓:奥地利首都维也纳
The world's best city in which to live, according to Mercer, Viennaboasts great economic, cultural and political strength, was thebirthplace of Marie Antoinette and Sigmund Freud and has been sungabout by Ultravox and Billy Joel。 榜单第一名揭晓:奥地利首都维也纳。维也纳良好的经济状况、文化风俗和社会秩序都是它赢得头筹的原因。同时,这里也是法国末代皇后玛丽安东尼特、以及弗洛伊德的出生地。 网友评论
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