
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年12月28日 16:00   新浪教育


  US Airways Capt. Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger has flownthousands of flights in the last 42 years. 'But now,' he says, 'myentire career is being judged by how I performed on one of them.'

  过去42年,全美航空公司(US Airways)机长萨伦伯格(Chesley 'Sully'Sullenberger)飞行了数千次航班。但他说,现在人们都因为我在一次航班的表现来评价我的整个飞行生涯。

  That flight, of course, came last Jan. 15, when his AirbusA320 suffered a bird strike en route from New York to Charlotte,N.C., and lost both engines. Sully and First Officer Jeff Skilesexecuted an emergency landing later dubbed 'The Miracle on theHudson,' but that description never felt right to Sully。



  He is a precise, methodical, cerebral man who carefullychooses his words. In recent months, while working on his new book,'Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters,' Sully spent agreat deal of time reviewing his life and career. He has tried tounderstand what experiences from his past prepared him for Flight1549.

  萨伦伯格是一个一丝不苟、有条理和理智的人,措辞谨慎。最近几月在他撰写新书《最高职责:我如何寻找生命之重》(HighestDuty: My Search for What ReallyMatters)的时候,萨伦伯格花了很多时间回顾自己的人生和职业生涯。他试图了解自己过去哪些经验使得他为成功迫降1549次航班做好了准备。

  As Sully's co-author, I clearly saw that it wasn't only hisskills as a veteran pilot that carried him in those tense momentsover Manhattan. It was also his upbringing, his family bonds, hissense of integrity -- and his own losses. Flight 1549 wasn't just afive-minute journey from LaGuardia Airport to the Hudson. Sully'sentire life led him to safely to that river。


  He was born in Denison, Texas, the son of a dentist and ateacher who had high expectations. 'I grew up in a home where eachof us had our own hammer,' says Sully. That was because his dadkept enlarging the family home with the help of threenot-always-willing assistants: Sully, his sister and his mom. 'Thegoal was to do everything ourselves, to learn what we didn't knowand then have at it,' Sully says. The house wasn't perfect, butSully knew where every nail was。


  'Sometimes I'd brood, wishing we lived in a professionallybuilt house like everyone else,' he says. 'But each time the housegrew, I felt a sense of accomplishment.'


  As a boy, Sully was a classic introvert who felt thingsdeeply. In 1964, for instance, he saw news reports about a New Yorkwoman named Kitty Genovese. Her neighbors heard her screams as shewas being stabbed to death by a stranger outside her apartment.Allegedly, they did nothing to help。


  'I made a pledge to myself, right then at age 13,' Sullyrecalls, 'that if I was ever in a situation where someone such asKitty Genovese needed my help, I would choose to act. No one indanger would be abandoned. As they'd say in the Navy: 'Not on mywatch.''


  People tell Sully that his success on Jan. 15 showed a highregard for life. Their words led him to reflection. 'Quitefrankly,' he says, 'one of the reasons I think I've placed such ahigh value on life is that my father took his.'


  Suffering from depression, Sully's father killed himself in1995. 'His death had an effect on how I view the world,' he says.'I am willing to work hard to protect people's lives, to not be abystander, in part because I couldn't save my father.'


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