
http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年01月05日 16:16   沪江英语

  6. The Pursuit of Happyness (Gabriele Muccino, 2006)


  This Will Smith vehicle, based on the autobiographical bestseller by Chris Gardner, is one of the most powerful tributes to the free market and the value of individual responsibility evermade. Smith plays an impoverished entrepreneur from a humble backgroundin 1980s San Francisco who through sheer determination and strength of human spirit defies all odds to become a stockbrokerwith a top investment firm, before making his fortune. Smith’scharacter embodies the can-do spirit of Reagan’s America, and rejectsthe welfare state in favour of the capitalist ideal, while bringing upa young son on his own. The Pursuit of Happyness is an inspiring andoften deeply moving tribute to the American dream, and one of the greatconservative movies of this generation。



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  5. The Dark Knight (Christopher Nolan, 2008)


  Christopher Nolan’s global mega hit raked in over $1 billion worldwide, and it’s not hard to see why. Featuring some of the moststriking set designs since Blade Runner, Nolan’s towering vision of Gotham City looked glorious in IMAX, and was a ground-breaking cinematic achievement. Heath Ledger’s pitch-perfect performance as TheJoker deservedly won him a posthumous Best Supporting Actor award. It is though its depiction of Batman’s relentless war against the Joker’s campaign ofterror, which marks The Dark Knight as a standout conservative film.The Dark Knight himself, played to perfection by Christian Bale, is unwavering in his determination to defeat his adversary, whatever the cost。



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