
http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年01月05日 16:16   沪江英语

  2. The Lives of Others (Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006)


  There have been surprisingly few films made about the massive human cost inflicted by Soviet Communism, and its ruthless dominance of eastern and centralEurope over the course of nearly four decades. The Lives of Others (DasLeben der Anderen) is one of the very finest, and is a damning indictment of the to talitarian surveillance society run by the Secret Police inEast Germany. Set in East Berlin in 1984, the film tells the ultimatelyredemptive tale of a conflicted Stasi officer (played by Ulrich Mühe,in his final role) tasked with spying on a dissident playwright(Sebastian Koch). The Lives of Others deservedly won the Best Foreign Language Film at the 2007 Oscars, and was a huge success in its nativeGermany, where it forced the country to once again confront the ghostsof its recent past and the huge pain and suffering inflicted byCommunist rule in the east。



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  1. 300 (Zack Snyder, 2007)


  Any film that prompts howls of indignation from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his brutal acolytes in Tehran deserves recognition. 300 achieved that in spadeswith its fiery retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC, wherethree hundred Spartan warriors took on a vast army of Persianscommanded by Xerxes. Zack Snyder’s faithful adaptation of the FrankMiller graphic novel featured incredible battle sequences shot with thelatest digital technology, and proved a major box office hit. As hecontemplates how to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat, Barack Obamashould ditch his failed appeasement strategy and take some tips fromthe Spartans about standing your ground in the face of an evil tyrant。

  剧情简介:这部电影描述了人类史上最残酷的战争之一:温泉关之战。公元前480年,波斯国王薛西斯一世(罗德里格•桑托罗 Rodrigo Santoro 饰)亲率30万大军征战希腊。希腊各个城邦迅速派出军队结成了联军,准备抵御波斯军队的入侵。

  防线的最前线设在希腊的温泉关,此处由斯巴达城的国王列奥尼达(杰拉德•巴特勒 Gerard Butler饰)率领本城300精兵和联军4000余人镇守。由于叛徒的出卖,希腊军队被波斯军队抄到了身后形成围剿之势。列奥尼达为了保存联军实力,让联军首先撤退,自己率领300精兵死守温泉关断后。



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