2010年01月11日 11:52 沪江英语
布拉特·皮特接受《人物》杂志采访时存心刺激全世界乔治·克鲁尼的男性粉丝说:“我需要反复重申的一点是,等乔治和他的伴侣能合法结婚了,那我和安吉的婚礼也不远了。” "I'd also like to reiterate that Angie and I will not be getting married until George and his partner can legally do so." – Brad Pitt, inciting Clooney's male fans around the world, to PEOPLE 前加州小姐出言不逊
前加州小姐出言不逊:“在这片土地上你能选择同性婚姻或者异性婚姻,而我相信婚姻应该是男人和女人之间的。无意冒犯其他各位。” "Welive in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or oppositemarriage ... I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there." – Former Miss California Carrie Prejean, offending Miss USA judge Perez Hilton 凯特·温丝莱特接受金球奖最佳女主角奖的致辞时激动地语无伦次
凯特·温丝莱特接受金球奖最佳女主角奖的致辞时激动地语无伦次:“对不住了啊,安妮,梅丽尔,克莉丝汀……哦,饿滴神啊,还有谁来着?”她把安吉丽娜·茱莉给忘了。 "I'm so sorry Anne, Meryl, Kristin – oh God, who's the other one?" – Kate Winslet, momentarily forgetting fellow nominee Angelina Jolie while accepting the Golden Globe for best actress 美剧《真爱如血》VS《暮光之城》
美剧《真爱如血》的男主角斯蒂芬·梅耶对《暮光之城》的爱德华·库伦发起挑战:“他是个娘娘腔!他就是吸血鬼中的零度低糖健怡可乐!” "He's a pussy! He's the Slim-Fast, Diet Coke of vampires." – True Blood's Stephen Moyer, baring his fangs on the subject of Twilight's hottest vampire Edward Cullen, to Marie Claire 《尸乐园》的男主角伍迪·哈里森入戏太深
《尸乐园》的男主角伍迪·哈里森在一场发布会上和一位摄影师发生了冲突,他解释说自己入戏太深还没出来:“被个狗仔吓到了,我还以为是僵尸咧。” "I was startled by a paparazzo, who I quite understandably mistook for a zombie." – Zombieland's Woody Harrelson, explaining that he was still in character when he clashed with a photographer, in a statement Teresa Giudice在晚宴上破口大骂
《新泽西的真实主妇》总,Teresa Giudice在晚宴上破口大骂:“你压根儿就在跳脱衣舞……这个娼妓……居然订婚了19次!” "You were stripping ... Prostitution whore ... engaged 19 times!" – The Real Housewives of New Jersey's Teresa Giudice, during her dinner party tirade on Danielle Staub's mysterious past Mark-Paul Gosselaar上Jimmy Fallon脱口秀
Mark-Paul Gosselaar上Jimmy Fallon脱口秀时说:“Bayside以来我这一路曲折离奇啊。” "It's been a long strange trip since my days at Bayside." 拍摄《终结者4》的时候克里斯汀·贝尔屡爆粗口
拍摄《终结者4》的时候克里斯汀·贝尔屡爆粗口,谁走进来打断了拍摄他就骂:“你丫收声,布鲁斯。” "Shut the f– up, Bruce!" –Christian Bale, delivering one of 36 F-bombs to the crew member who walked in on his shot during the filming of Terminator Salvation – Mark-Paul Gosselaar, having a Zack attack on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 网友评论
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