2010年01月21日 15:34 国际在线
Cheerleading traces its roots to the late 19th century, whencrowdsbegan to chant and yell to encourage their team. Credit for thefirstorganized cheer is often given to a University of Minnesotastudentnamed Johnny Campbell who got the Gopher faithful to shoutduring alosing effort in the 1898 season。 啦啦队的由来和发展要回溯到19世纪后期,那时候人们就开始有节奏的齐声为他们的球队喝彩、呐喊助威。第一次有证可查的、组织以齐呼口号方式为球队加油的是明尼苏达大学学生约翰尼?坎贝尔,他在1898年的赛季中指挥大家为他们的球队助威鼓劲。 到了20世纪20年代女性开始介入
For the first few decades of its history, cheerleading was anall-male activity, but by the 1920's women joined as well. Nowadays,over 90% of America's cheerleading participants are female。 在啦啦队成立之初,队员通常由男生组成,到了20世纪20年代,女性开始介入。现在,美国有超过九成的啦啦队成员是女性。 In 1948, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer, a former Southern MethodistUniversity cheerleader formed the National Cheerleaders Association(NCA). Herkimer is credited with originating many of cheerleading'sfundamental moves。 1948年,劳伦斯-何其莫,外号"Herkie",成立了美国啦啦队协会(NCA)。何其莫被认为是啦啦队多项重大活动的创始人。 Though professional football teams had had cheerleaders since the1960s, nothing did more to popularize cheerleading than the gals fromDallas, who gained national attention with their revealing outfits and sophisticated danceroutines。 专业的橄榄球队从20世纪60年代就各自有了自己的啦啦队
尽管专业的橄榄球队从20世纪60年代就各自有了自己的啦啦队,但这些啦啦队除了欢呼之外并无特别的喝彩方式,直到达拉斯的姑娘们出现后才有了改观,这些女孩用她们暴露的装束和复杂的舞步赢得了全国观众的瞩目。 Cheerleading remained in its supporting role until the 1980s, when cheerleading competitions, organized by the National Cheerleaders Association and other groups, started to grow in popularity。 20世纪80年代之前,啦啦队主要起支持作用。之后,美国啦啦队协会开始组织啦啦队之间进行比赛,其他组织也开始兴起。 Today, cheerleaders can be found at almost any kind of sporting event, including the Olympics and the Cricket World Cup。 如今,各种体育赛事中随处可见啦啦队员的身影,包括奥运会和板球世界杯赛。 网友评论
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