
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月01日 12:01   沪江英语



  Computers in movies look nothing like the beasts we lug around today.They’re thin and light, a single pane that jumps to life when touched. Technology follows Hollywood dreams; here’s hoping this montage is a portent of what’s coming soon。


  The world will be shocked if Apple doesn’t reveal a tablet computer. It won’t be the first, not by any stretch, and it won’t be the first multitouch device, naturally. But as we envision it, the tablet represents the fusion of two of the most steadfast dreams of sci-fi nerds and ordinary people alike。


  This reel, compiled for Giz by Mike Byhoff and Frank Cozzarelli as a celebration of sci-fi’s longstanding love affair with tablets and touch interfaces, is pretty self explanatory, but there are a few things to think about:


  The greatest literary device in sci-fi history, the actual Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, was, in fact, a tablet。


  Gene Roddenberry was—like some tech analysts these days—in favor of the tablet coming in large and small sizes。

  《星际迷航记》的作者Gene Roddenberry就极其钟爱各种大大小小的平板式电脑?

  The Incredibles, created by Steve Jobs’Pixar, not only has the most Apple-like vision of a tablet, but shows it sliding out of a manilaenvelope, three years before Steve drew the slender MacBook Air out of the same。

  乔布斯他们家的皮克斯,制作的《超人总动员》里头,不单单拥有最像苹果家产品的平板机,而且还是从牛皮纸信封里被抽出来的,三年之后,乔布斯就如出一辙地从信封里抽出了MacBook Air来。咋就这么巧咧?

  We’re not sure what Bart Simpson is doing to that iMac either, but apparently "Mapple" beat Apple to the punch with touchscreen all-in-ones。

  《辛普森一家》里头Bart Simpson对iMac做了什么咱不得而知,但显然“Mapple”却凭着触摸屏把苹果机比得不堪一击。

  It is physically impossible to craft a montage of sci-fi interfaces without showing Tom C. in Minority Report。

  要是不提《少数派报告》里的Tom C。那么这份关于科幻片触摸屏的视频当然是不完整的啦。

  You may say that the tablets of Moses weren’t exactly interactive. Fine, believe what you will, but take our advice and stay the hell away from golden calves。


  Thereare plenty more crazy touch computer sightings in TV and movies—if you can track any down, be sure to post them in comments。



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