浪漫情人节礼物男生篇:手蘸草莓(组图)手蘸草莓 将12 个草莓蘸上各种巧克力和装饰配料,比如碎冰鸡尾酒、杏仁、迷你巧克力片或椰蓉。漂亮地装饰一番,然后放入一个衬有金箔的黑边盒子,这些草莓看起来便和它们尝起来一样美味。 Long-Term Relationship 恋爱多年 Yellow Gold Bracelet with Heart
Yellow Gold Bracelet with Heart This piece of jewelry reminds your girlfriend just how muchyour time with her has meant to you, while also providing her withsomething she’ll be more than happy to sport every day。 带有心形装饰的黄金手镯 这件首饰可以让你的女朋友知道你和她在一起的时间对你来说有多珍贵,而且你送的这件东西她每天都会非常乐意佩戴。 Espresso Maker
Espresso Maker A gift that gives her one of her favorite treats right at homeis thoughtful and kind. After you’ve been together awhile, it’spossible you’ll be spending lots of long mornings at her place and acoffee maker is the perfect gift to let her know how much you’relooking forward to them。 咖啡机 送她这样一个礼物,让她在家就能享用她最喜欢的食物,这样既贴心又周到。你们在一起一段时间后,可能很多个漫长的早晨你们都将在她家度过,咖啡机这个完美的礼物可以让她知道你是多么期盼和他们( 女朋友和咖啡机) 在一起。 The Newlyweds 新婚夫妇 Jewelry Armoire
Jewelry Armoire A jewelry armoire is a great gift for your new wife andeternal Valentine. It is pretty and feminine, but will last a longtime. Ultimately, it is both a practical and thoughtful gift。 首饰柜 首饰柜是送给你新婚妻子兼永恒情人最棒的礼物。它不仅漂亮且具有女人味,而且经久耐用。总之,它是一个实用并且贴心的礼物。 Couple Cooking Classes
Couple Cooking Classes Finding cooking classes in your area will indicate your interest in activities together; you’ll build cooperation skills and learn a new art。
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