双语环球:09年外交奥斯卡新鲜出炉一年一度的视觉盛宴不止有奥斯卡而已——国际大舞台上的新鲜事难道还少吗?从悬念迭起、堪比加勒比海盗的国际大片《索马里海盗》,到颇具喜感的喜剧新秀贝卢斯科尼,这可比好莱坞精彩多了。其中卡扎菲同学还一举捧回两个奖项,可谓实力非凡。 There's no two ways about it: The last year of foreign policy hadenough thrills to put Avatar to shame. From the fearsome battle in theAfghan hills to the U.S.-China love-hate relationship, and from theserious al Qaeda threats in Yemen to the hard-to-take-seriously piratesoff the Somali coast, 2009 was arguably a much more interesting year for global politics than for movies. Sowith Oscar nominations due tomorrow, we're taking nominations for ourown FP Oscars。 过去一年里,国际外交舞台可谓好戏连台,即使是席卷全球影院票房的巨制《阿凡达》相比之下也要逊色不少。从阿富汗山区里的恶战,到中美两国的恩怨情仇,从基地组织在也门坐大,到海盗在索马里海岸横行,2009年的全球政治要比电影中的世界更为多姿多彩。因此,奥斯卡提名名单即将公布之际,不妨先来评选一下过去一年中全球外交领域的奥斯卡。 Best picture: What one story encapsulates the year? 最佳影片 :什么事件能够概括过去的一年? Best drama: Spies, dissidents, treachery,and truth. Were the adrenaline-pumping protests following the Iranelections the most dramatic event? Or perhaps it was the long,drawn-out U.S. decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. If you havea humanitarian bent, the crises in Haiti, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan mightcome a heart-wrenching first。 最佳剧本:间谍、不同政见者、背叛、真相。到底是伊朗大选后的抗议活动最为引人注目,还是美国决定增兵阿富汗更吸引人们的眼球?如果出于人道主义的考虑,海地、斯里兰卡以及巴基斯坦遭遇的危机可能会更适合一些。 Best comedy: If it isn't a tragedy, the dysfunction of the U.S. Congress is certainly good for a laugh. Then again, howabout the Copenhagen Climate conference that ended in a collectiveshrug? Or the British MPs who used their expense accounts to buy fancy rugs and re-dig their backyard swimming pools? 最佳喜剧:如果不将其视作悲剧的话,那么美国国会的两党争斗导致运转不畅肯定是个极好的笑料。再者就是哥本哈根气候会议惨淡收场,还有英国国会议员“报销门”事件,他们连自家购买地毯和开挖泳池也要动用纳税人的钱。 Best romantic comedy: Gordon Brown requested meeting after meetingwith the U.S. president; Obama just didn't have time. Brown gave him aromantic antique biography of Churchill, and Obama gave him a DVD box set. Let's justsay the special relationship isn't all it used to be. But then again,there are other comedies in Europe these days ... Berlusconi anyone? 最佳浪漫喜剧:英国首相布朗一次次提出与美国总统奥巴马会面的要求,而对方却没有时间。布朗送给奥巴马的礼物是稀有的丘吉尔传记首版,而对方的回礼却是一套DVD。我们只能说,两国的特殊关系已经大不如前。当然,欧洲政坛还有其他的一些喜剧上演,比如意大利总理贝卢斯科尼。 Bestromantic drama: Unclear whether this should be a drama or a comedy, butthe Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladamir Putincertainly have a relationship worth noting -- as their pressphotographer has shown time and time again.。. 最佳浪漫戏剧:不知道这是否该归为喜剧还是戏剧,总之俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫和俄总理普京的关系值得注意,过去一年中两人的照片一次又一次的出现在人们眼前。 Bestaction: A U.S. ship is seized in the Gulf of Aden and devious piratestake the Maersk Alabama captive on the high seas, demanding a ransom for their deed. But lo and behold! A brave captain sacrifices his freedom to save his crew. And the U.S. whacks three pirates in the end, bringing everyone home safely! Phew! 最佳动作片:美国“马尔斯克—亚拉巴马”号货船在亚丁湾遭遇海盗袭击,船长菲利普斯为保全船员们的安全,挺身而出将自己作为海盗的人质。在进行为期5天的营救行动后,美军最终击毙了三名海盗,并将所有船员安全解救。 Best special effects: Hmm, how about that missile launch in North Korea? It hit right on target: the Pacific Ocean。 最佳特效:朝鲜发射导弹能否入围,导弹准确地命中了目标:太平洋。 Best director: Nicolas Sarkozy is a whirling dervish of diplomatic activity。 最佳导演:法国总统萨科齐可算得上是外交活动中的旋转舞者。 Bestactor: Very few world leaders can also claim their own daily televisionshows -- and surprisingly humorous ones at that. "Alo Presidente"hasn't exactly skyrocketed Hugo Chavez to fame (his coup attempt back in the 1990s did that), but man has this guy mastered media in the Drudge Era。 最佳男主角:很少有国家领导人定期在电视节目中亮相,而委内瑞拉总统查韦斯就是这个例外。他自上台以来,每周都要出现在电视直播脱口秀节目《你好,总统》中,并时常发表惊人之语。 Bestactress: On a more serious note, few women leaders have been morepowerful this year in asserting political freedom than Burma's Aung SanSuu Kyi. Or does Hillary Clinton have your vote? As one FP staffer putit, "she's the queen of 'the show must go on.'" 最佳女主角:过去一年里,很少有妇女领导人在维护政治自由方面的影响力能够超过缅甸反对派领导人昂山素季,当然,美国国务卿希拉里也能得到一定的支持。 Best supporting actress: Is Carla Bruni the perfect companion for a perfectionist French president? 最佳女配角:布鲁尼是法国完美主义总统萨科齐的最佳伴侣么? Best supporting actor: Let's be honest: One man whose entire year has been a story about other people's interests is the ousted president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya. For all his posturing and pontificating, he was never running the show。 最佳男配角:实事求是的说,过去一年里有个人的境遇一直关系的却是其他人的利益,这就是洪都拉斯遭驱逐总统塞拉亚。 Best costume: Libya's Muammar Qaddafi designs his own clothes。 最佳服装:利比亚领导人卡扎菲为自己设计的衣服。 Worst costume: Libya's Muammar Qaddafi designs his own clothes。 最差服装:还是利比亚领导人卡扎菲为自己设计的衣服。
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