
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月04日 11:11   国际在线

  Beyonce Knowles received 10 Grammy nominations. The pop diva'snominations include album of the year for "I Am ... Sasha Fierce," songof the year for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)" and song of the yearfor "Halo." The Grammy Awards take place Jan. 31, 2010 in Los Angeles。

  碧昂斯·诺里斯一人独获10项格莱美提名,提名奖项包括“年度最佳专辑”(I Am... SashaFierce),“年度最佳单曲”(“Single Ladies (Put a Ring OnIt)”及“Halo”)。格莱美奖于当地时间2010年1月31日举行了盛大的颁奖典礼。


  Country star Taylor Swift garnered eight Grammy Award nominations.The 19-year-old singer was nominated for song of the year and record ofthe year for "You Belong With Me," and album of the year for"Fearless."

  年轻的乡村歌手泰勒·斯威夫特获得8项格莱美提名。这位19岁的歌手凭借“You Belong With Me”获年度最佳单曲和年度最佳唱片提名,凭借“Fearless”获年度最佳专辑提名。


  Lady Gaga was nominated in all three major categories for the GrammyAwards: song, album and record of the year. The star received a bestalbum nod for her first CD, "The Fame." Her song "Poker Face" was nominated for record and song of the year。

  一项以穿着出位著称的Lady Gaga则在格莱美年度最佳单曲、专辑和唱片中都有提名。她的首张CD“The Fame”获得了最佳专辑的提名,“Poker Face”则获最佳唱片和最佳单曲提名。

歌唱组合黑眼豆豆也凭“The E.N.D。”获年度最佳专辑提名
歌唱组合黑眼豆豆也凭“The E.N.D。”获年度最佳专辑提名

  The Black Eyed Peas also took home a nomination for album of the year for "The E.N.D."

  歌唱组合黑眼豆豆也凭“The E.N.D。”获年度最佳专辑提名。

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