
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月10日 10:11   中国日报网英语点津

  Rather than spending Valentine's Day with their partner, one fifth of adults would prefer to be with their pet, although the French still came topfor romance, according to a joint global poll by Reuters/Ipsos。

  The survey of 24,000 people in 23 countries found 21 percent of adults would rather spend February 14 with their pet than their spouse,although the French were least likely to choose a furry friend over ahuman with only 10 percent taking that option。

  But the survey found that age and income were more of a determining factorthan nationality when it came to romance, with younger, less affluent people more likely to choose their pet as their Valentine's Day companion。

  John Wright, senior vice president of Ipsos, said 25 percent of people agedunder 35 opted for their pet over their partner compared to 18 percent of those aged 35-54 and 14 percent of people aged 55 plus。

  Men and women were evenly split over the question。

  Those choosing pets over people were also more likely to be those who have alower income (24 percent) compared to those who were middle or higherincome earners (20 percent)。

  "Likely defying stereotype, the desire to spurn a partner for a pet is not rooted in gender but rather age and even there it seems the older you are, the least likely it is you'd choosepet over partner," said Wright。

  "While there are country differences, it's more of a personal choice made by younger and less affluent individuals."

  On a country-by-country basis, residents of Turkey were the most likely, at 49 percent, to choose their pet over their spouse or partner。

  Nextcame India with 41 percent, then Japan with 30 percent, China with 29percent, the United States with 27 percent and Australia with 25percent。

  Onthe other hand, the nations where residents were the least likely towant to spend the day with a pet instead of their spouse or partnerwere France at 10 percent, Mexico 11 percent, the Netherlands 12percent and Hungary at 12 percent。













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