双语话健康:意想不到的长寿标志(图)![]() 意想不到的长寿标志
You Embrace the Challenge People who consider themselves self-disciplined, organized achievers live longer and have up to an 89% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s than the less conscientious.When you’re good at focusing your attention, you use more brain power.Set personal or career goals, and challenge yourself to meet them by acertain time. Also, try new things to stimulate your brain: If you always read fiction, pick up an autobiography instead. The next day,try to recall three facts you learned from the reading。 喜欢挑战 认为自己自律、有成就的人更长寿。他们比不太有责任心的人患老年痴呆的几率少89%以上。如果你能集中精神做事,你就能调动更多脑细胞,从而有助于防止老年痴呆。制定个人或职业目标,并通过一段时间来实现这些目标。此外,尝试新事物来刺激大脑:如果你总是读小说,不妨看看自传。第二天试着回忆你从书中看到的三个细节。 You Really Like Your Friends Good interpersonal relationships act as a buffer against stress. Knowing you have people who support you keeps you healthy, mentally and physically: Chronic stress weakens the immunesystem and ages cells faster, ultimately shortening life span by 4 to 8years。 你真心喜欢你的朋友 好的人际关系可以缓冲压力。知道有朋友支持自己会让你保持精神和身体健康:长期的紧张会更快削弱免疫系统,让细胞更快衰老,最终将你的生命缩短4到8年。 They’re Healthy If your closest friends gain weight, your chance of doing thesame could increase by 57%. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it'simportant to associate with people who have similar goals. Join aweight loss group, or train with a pal for a charity walk。 你的朋友们健康 如果你的密友体重增加,那你的体重增加的几率会提高57%。要保持健康的生活方式,和志同道合的人在一起是很重要的。加入一个减肥群体,或者与你的朋友进行一次慈善竞走。 achiever n. a person with a record of successes. 成功者。 conscientious a. 认真的,勤勤恳恳的,全神贯注的。 buffer n. 缓冲器、缓冲垫。
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