4.这位最佳女配角提名选择了一件先锋派作品,突出特色就是绘画笔触般的印花设计。 The Best Supporting Actress nominee goes avant-garde in a blue brushstroke Dries van Noten slim gown。 《在云端》维拉最佳女配提名一片桃红
5.同是最佳女配角提名,Vera选择了桃红色折扇褶皱(花瓣褶皱都不足以形容这种褶皱的大小.。。)晚礼服。看上去整个人被淹没在褶皱中一样。 The Best Supporting Actress nominee picks one of the night's major trends – ruffles! – in her fan-pleated red Marchesa gown。 《在云端》安娜同样是最佳女配提名
6.她简直就像空气一样轻盈!这件浅粉色褶边礼服不禁让在场每个人心生怜惜。而开衩处露出的蕾丝花边正是最新潮流。 She's light as Air! The Best Supporting Actress nominee floats in her pale pink draped Elie Saab Haute Couture gown and Kwiat diamonds。 妮可·里奇也来了
7.准新娘尼可里奇携一股六十年代复古风走上红地毯,这件宽袍广袖露背镶珠晚装为她增添几分神秘。 Supporting Joel Madden as he deejays the big night, the soon-to-be-married star goes for '60s glam in her beaded, backless gown with long sleeves, winged eye makeup and a high bun。 网友评论
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