8.紧身胸衣礼服配圆发髻,再加上衣服的颜色,麦莉简直就是个会走路的小金人儿! The presenter is nothing but a golden girl in her bustier-top Jenny Packham gown and a soft bun。 时尚风向标莎拉·杰西卡·帕克
9.看多了抹胸露背装,莎拉杰西卡帕克的选择至少更有新意。银色刺绣和锁骨上方的丝带演绎出别样的香奈儿高定经典 Carrie would be proud! The fashionista dares again in her pale yellow Chanel Haute Couture gown with silver embroidery at the neckline, a dramatic retro bun and Fred Leighton jewels。 丰满而自信的Gabourey与影片中判若两人
10.不知她是因身上这件玛切萨而自信还是因自信而让这件礼服熠熠生辉。 Gabourey Sidibe wears a Marchesa dress and Lorraine Schwartz jewelry. The 26-year-old actress is nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role for Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire。 网友评论
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