A conservative US state senator who has voted against gay rights measures during his 14 years in office has confessed he is gay。 Republican Roy Ashburn came out during a radio interview in California, where he sits on the state legislature。 He has been on leave since his arrest last week on suspicion of driving under the influence。 Mr Ashburn said his votes reflected the way his constituents wanted him to vote, not his own "internal conflict"。 "I am gay... those are the words that have been so difficult for me for so long," the 55-year-old divorced father-of-four told KERN radio。 Mr Ashburn said he felt the need to address rumours that he had visited a gay nightclub before his arrest on suspicion of drinking and driving in Sacramento on 3 March。 Last year, Mr Ashburn opposed a bill to establish a day of recognition to honour murdered gay rights activist Harvey Milk。 He has also voted in the statehouse against efforts to expand anti-discrimination laws and recognise out-of-state gay marriages。 Mr Ashburn said he does not plan to run for any public office after his term ends later this year。 美国著名的反同性恋政客、加州参议员罗伊•阿什本日前在接受采访时公开承认,自己是一个同性恋。据美国媒体9日报道,14年来,阿什本一直强烈反对同性恋权益,他眼下的这一表态简直就是一个绝妙的讽刺。 去年,阿什本还曾牵头抵制过一项议案,这项议案主张为被谋杀的同性恋权利活动家哈维•米尔克设立纪念日。现年55岁的阿什本有4个孩子,之前从来没有人对他的性取向产生过怀疑。然而,3月3日凌晨,阿什本在加州高速公路上因为涉嫌醉酒驾驶而被逮捕,他的车上还载有一个不明身份的男子,据说两人之前曾去过萨克拉门托同性恋酒吧。 这一事件顿时在美国引起热议,很多人都怀疑阿什本是一个同性恋,他所提出的那么多反同性恋法案可以说是在美国政坛闹了个大笑话。面对民众的巨大压力,阿什本不得不在科恩电台节目上承认了自己的同性恋身份。他对保守的脱口秀主持人英格•巴克斯说道:“我是一个同性恋……对我而言,说出这句话实在是太难了。”阿什本接着表示,他一直努力把私生活和职业生涯分开来,“很多人都介意我是不是同性恋,但我不认为事情有什么变化,我仍将坚持我的政治原则。”阿什本还恳求民众能原谅他。 阿什本本人声称,在他本届参议员任期结束后,他不会再竞选任何公职。 网友评论
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