
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月12日 09:44   沪江英语
最可爱老爸《绝望主妇》Tom Scavo
最可爱老爸《绝望主妇》Tom Scavo

  最可爱老爸《绝望主妇》Tom Scavo


  Having three sons brought out the inner man-child in Tom Scavo, and when he’s not buying mid-life crisis sports cars or opening pizzerias, he’s a big lovable goofball。

最好玩老爸《双面孟汉娜》Robbie Ray Stewart
最好玩老爸《双面孟汉娜》Robbie Ray Stewart

  最好玩老爸《双面孟汉娜》Robbie Ray Stewart

  戏里戏外都是老爹的Robbie Ray Stewart,身为同样是戏里戏外都是大明星的女儿的好朋友、父亲兼经纪人,自是有他的一套。

  Between down-home sayings and country-fried goodness, Robbie Ray is a dad who will join the fun while still playing the role of father and manager to his incredibly successful daughter。

间谍老爸《超市特工》Steve Bartowski
间谍老爸《超市特工》Steve Bartowski

  间谍老爸《超市特工》Steve Bartowski


  At first glance, Steve is an awkward and nerdy guy. But when you find out he’s secretly Orion, suddenly Chuck’s dad becomes the coolest super spy around, with all the best gadgets。

逃犯老爸《越狱》Lincoln Burrows
逃犯老爸《越狱》Lincoln Burrows

  逃犯老爸《越狱》Lincoln Burrows


  Nobody wants a felon for a father, but Lincoln is a noble fall guy who is tough and nails and able to escape any situation. He may not be as brainy as his brother, but Lincoln makes up for it in raw power。


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