
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月12日 09:44   沪江英语
球星老爸《篮球兄弟》Nathan Scott
球星老爸《篮球兄弟》Nathan Scott

  球星老爸《篮球兄弟》Nathan Scott

  Jamie Scott小朋友真是会让很多小朋友羡慕的哦!因为他老爸进了NBA耶,有个专业运动员当爹真的是很神气的说!

  Little Jamie Scott is one lucky kid. Not only does his entire family worship the ground he walks on, but his dad is now in the NBA. It’s hard to get much cooler than having a pro athlete as a dad。

前歌星老爸《绯闻女孩》Rufus Humphrey
前歌星老爸《绯闻女孩》Rufus Humphrey

  前歌星老爸《绯闻女孩》Rufus Humphrey


  The coolest part of Rufus isn’t that he used to be a famous rock star, it’s that he’s able to make fun of the fact that he’s now a washed-up rock star。

捉鬼老爸《邪恶力量》John Winchester
捉鬼老爸《邪恶力量》John Winchester

  捉鬼老爸《邪恶力量》John Winchester


  How cool would it be to find out your dad goes around hunting and killing demons? It’s a dangerous job, and I might not be as quick to join the family business like Sam and Dean, but John was still one cool customer。

FBI老爸《识骨寻踪》Seeley Booth
FBI老爸《识骨寻踪》Seeley Booth

  FBI老爸《识骨寻踪》Seeley Booth

  Parker总是很自豪地说“我爸是抓坏人滴!”除此之外,圣诞节的翻转机器人、讲电话时学猩猩、带他去吃比脑袋还大的汉堡包,以及言传身教的亲子互动,都让Seeley Booth成为一位真正酷毙了的老爸。

  Saving the day every day from the bad guys is enough to make Seeley Booth cool, but his devotion to his son Parker is what makes him a truly cool dad。

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