双语环球:韩国政府给骑车上班族发放补助The South Korean government plans to issue allowances for those who cycle to work, in a bid to promote energy conservation and emissions reduction。 Seoul's Newsis News Agency reported Tuesday that the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS) recently launched the "2010 cycling promotion project," which will firstly designate several organizations as cycling leaders and give stipends to those who go to work by bike。 For example, in the city of Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province, everyone who cycles to work for at least 15 days a month is entitled to receive an extra allowance of 30,000 to 40,000 South Korean won ($26.52 to $35.36) from the local government or their employer。 The project will require public areas, such as shopping malls, pedestrian streets, golf courses, arenas and religious spots, to build bicycle lots。 The project also promotes a "green franchise" policy to support merchandisers who offer discounts to those commuting by bike。 The MOPAS is also planning to invest 1.5 trillion South Korean won ($1.37 billion) in building segregated cycle roads in the next 10 years, which will extend the overall length of such roads to more than 3,000 kilometers。 The ministry will invest 90 billion South Korean ($79.56 million) in a project to transform 10 small or medium-sized cities into model cities of cycling。 In these cities, public transportation by cycling will be improved from the current 1.2 percent national average to 15 percent of the total transport, the average in developed countries。 为鼓励人们节能减排,韩国政府决定向骑自行上下班的人提供一定补助。 据韩国纽西斯通讯社9日报道,日前,韩国行政安全部决定启动“2010自行车政策推进计划”。根据计划,首先将指定自行车上下班示范单位,并向骑自行车上班的职员发放补助。以庆尚南道昌原市为例,该市向每月骑车上班超过15天的职员发放3万至4万韩元(约合人民币200元左右)补助,由地方政府或者企业负责发放。行政安全部还规定,从今年下半年开始,百货商店、商业街、演出场所、高尔夫练习场、宗教设施等场所必须设自行车停车场。同时还要推进“绿色加盟店”制度,对骑自行车顾客实施优惠。 行政安全部还决定在10年内投入1.5万亿韩元建自行车专用道,使自行车道超过3000公里。并在2012年前投入900亿韩元,将10个中小城市建成自行车示范城市,将这些城市中自行车的交通承担比例由目前韩国的1.2%,提高到发达国家15%的水平。(作者王轶锋)
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