
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月20日 13:24   环球网

  A recent investigation showed that 30 percent of Korean adults have taken illegally circulated sexual improvement medication or have seen others take it。

  The investigation focused on the illegal circulation, with medicines bought by hospitals and drugstores excluded, according to the Food and Drug Administration in South Korea. Therefore, the actual usage rate of such medication is far more than the 30 percent。

  The Korea Associated Press reported Thursday that the Food and Drug Administration in South Korea advocated an investigation in December on 1,000 people above 19 years old, searching for signs of drug abuse。

  The result suggested that 30.2 percent of participants had direct or indirect contact with sexual improvement medication. The medicine for study improvement ranked second with 19.8 percent of participants. Weight-loss pills ranked third with 17.5 percent of participants, followed by muscle re-enforcers at 13.3 percent。

  The rate of drug takers is significant as well. Around 8.4 percent of interviewees had direct or indirect contact with marijuana, "Ice," a deadly stimulant drug, or other drugs。




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