
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月16日 13:38   沪江英语



  Pingping, who was 29 inches tall, was filming a television programme in Italy when he developed chest problems。

  当29英寸高的平平在意大利拍摄电视纪录片的时候,他发现自己换上了胸部疾病。TheChinese-born man, who became a record-holder in March 2008, was takento hospital in Rome for treatment but passed away on Saturday. It isunderstood he died of heart complications。

  这位中国出生的男子在2008年三月被评为全世界最矮的人。他发病后被带往罗马的医院治疗,后于周六去世。他死于心脏并发症。CraigGlenday, Guinness World Records editor-in-chief and the man whomeasured Pingping in Inner Mongolia to confirm his status as theworld's smallest man, paid tribute to him。

  吉尼斯世界纪录总编、同时也是当时到内蒙古测量平平身高、认定他是全球最矮的Craig Glenday先生为他致辞。He said: ''From the moment I laid on eyes on him I knew he was someone special - he had such a cheeky smile and mischievous personality, you couldn't help but be charmed by him。


  ''He brightened up the lives of everyone he met, and was an inspiration to anyone considered different or unusual.''


  Pingping, who was born with a form of primordial dwarfism, had been accompanied by his brother-in-law on the trip to Europe to film records show Lo Show Dei Record. His successor will be announced at a later date, Guinness World Records said。



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