谁是你心目中理想的结婚对象:教师等(组图)Sixteen percent nominated doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals as their preferred marriage partners, higher than any other profession。 16%的受访者选择医生、护士及其它从医人员作为最理想的结婚对象,这一比例居各行业之首。 老师也是理想结婚对象
Other eligible--and admired--professions were education, at 14 percent, and science and technology, at 10 percent。 此外,教育(14%)和科技(10%)也是受尊敬并符合择偶要求的职业。 Educators and doctors were also voted the most trusted by an overwhelming 86 and 87 percent, followed by homemakers and those in science and technology。 分别有多达86%和87%的受访者认为教育从业者和医生也是最受信赖的人,家庭主妇和科技工作者位列其后。 零售业推销人员并不吃香
Only one percent picked retail professionals as partner-material, and those in media and marketing, as well as entertainers, did little better at two and three percent。 仅有1%的受访者选择零售业人员为理想的结婚对象,媒体、营销和娱乐界人士的情况也好不到哪去,得票率仅为2%和3%。 These professions were also among the least trusted by respondents, who, across the seven markets, picked the media as the single least trusted group。 这几个职业同时也最不受人们的信赖。在所列的七大行业中,媒体从业人员信任度最低。 家庭主妇被认为薪水过低
Entertainers, along with corporate executives and lawyers, were voted as being the most overpaid, while homemakers and educators were among those seen as being underpaid。 娱乐界人士、公司高管和律师被认为收入过高,而家庭主妇和教育从业者则被认为薪水过低。
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