Greek men were said to be a bit too soppy。 希腊男人被认为有点“过于缠绵”。 苏格兰男人被指声音过大
Other countries who didn't fare wellin the poll were Scotland (too loud), Turkey (too sweaty) and Wales (too selfish)。 其它被列入最差爱人榜的国家和地区包括:苏格兰(声音太大)、土耳其(汗太多)、威尔士(太自私)。 对女性来说,俄罗斯男性毛发过多
Russian men crept in at tenth place amid accusations they are too hairy for the average woman。 俄罗斯男性跻身该榜第十位,受访者称对于普通女性来说,他们的毛发过多。 A spokesperson for www.OnePoll.com added: "These results are an eye-openerfor thousands of men around the world and female travellers might judge potential new lovers by looking at these results." OnePoll网站的一名发言人说:“这些结果让全世界的男人们大开眼界,女性旅游者可通过浏览这份调查结果,来评判潜在的新情人。”
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