
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月26日 16:44   新东方在线

  3. 一个女人在她的鹦鹉开始重复说出“离婚”和“耐心”时要求离婚。

  2001年,一名中国妇女向丈夫提出离婚诉讼,理由是她的丈夫在一次不慎失言后,家里的宠物八哥开始不断重复他的话。据《新民晚报》报道,这名妇女最先开始怀疑是在她探亲一个月后,回到家中,鸟儿开始重复这两个词,而她认为这是鸟儿在丈夫同秘密情人的电话中学到的。她说,像是“离婚”、“我爱你”和 “忍耐”这几个词已经越来越频繁,而且还掺杂着懒散的呢喃。她带着她的案件和她的鸟到当地的律师事务所咨询,希望它可以出庭作证指认丈夫。但是律师对鸟类的证词可以影响法院判决一事并不乐观。这位妻子提出离婚,但是理由很奇怪,很显然,证鸟在中国的法庭中很难被接受。

  3. The Woman who got divorced after her parrot started repeating "Divorce" and "Be Patient"

  In 2001, a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions. According to the Xinmin Evening News, the woman first suspected something was amiss when the bird began repeating words apparently picked up from her husband's secret telephone calls to his lover after she returned from a month-long visit to her parents. She said words such as "divorce", "I love you", and "be patient" had become an increasingly frequent feature of the feathered telltale's idle twitterings。

  She took her case -- along with the bird -- to a local law office for consultation, hoping it would testify in court against her husband; lawyers however told her they were not optimistic that the bird's testimony would sway the court. The wife filed for divorce but, for some bizarre reason, evidence from a bird was apparently not admissible in Chinese courts。



  83岁的德国老太要与结婚了60年的丈夫离婚,原因是他在工作时被抓到同情人发生性关系。Georg Meister30岁时在工作中认识了他的情人。事件发生源于,他们在一个中心办事处匆匆相会时忘记了拉窗帘。他的妻子Ruth被告知,她的丈夫已经从自己家中搬到了仅有两个大门之隔的情人家中去住了。这对夫妻是在60年前,盟军的炸弹落在波恩的时候认识的,到现在已经有了三个孩子。

  4. The 81-year-old husband who got caught with his mistress after 60 years

  An 83-year-old German woman, divorced her 81-year-old husband after 60 years of marriage because he was caught having sex with his mistress at work. Georg Meister met his lover, 30 years younger, at work. The affair was exposed when they forgot to pull the curtains while having a 'quickie' in one of the centre's offices. His wife Ruth who was told about her husband's antics threw him out of their home and he moved in with his younger lover who lives just two doors down the road. The divorce court heard the couple had met over 60 years ago as Allied bombs fell on Bonn and have since raised three children together。




  5. The Wife who divorced her man for cleaning too much

  In April 2009, a German woman divorced her husband because she was “fed up” with him cleaning everything all the time. The wife got through 15 years of marriage putting up with the man’s penchant for doing household chores, tidying up and rearranging the furniture, but she ran out of patience when he knocked down and rebuilt a wall at their home when it got dirty。


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