街头搭配:美国“犀利姐”的乞丐美学(组图)![]() Olsen 姐妹是美国一对双胞胎艺人姐妹花
“犀利哥”已经不是新闻,可美国的“犀利姐”你又知道吗?Olsen 姐妹是美国一对双胞胎艺人姐妹花,她们平常的搭配常被时尚杂志奉为典范。而她们独到的“乞丐美学”搭配法也红遍全球。这样看来,咱们的犀利哥也只能算是追随者呢!那么现在,就来跟小编一起学习她们的穿衣搭配法,以及和时尚相关的英文短语吧! Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Fuller Olsen (born June 13, 1986) are American actresses. Both have appeared in television and films since infancy. Since then, they have continued their celebrity through numerous television programs, films, interviews, as well as commercial endorsements. Although they are virtually identical in appearance, they are genetically different fraternal twins。(They prefer the term "individual pair"。) ![]() 波西米亚风
As the sisters have matured, there has been greater interest in their fashion choices, with the New York Times declaring Mary-Kate a fashion icon for pioneering her signature (and now popular among celebrities and fans alike) "homeless" look (小编:来了,传说中的“乞丐美学”搭配法。用英文讲就是“homeless look”). The style, sometimes referred to as "ashcan" or "Boho-chic"(波西米亚风) or bohemian-bourgeois(全称“波西米亚—布尔乔亚,简称波波风”), is similar to that of Bohemian chic popularised in Britain by Kate Moss and Sienna Miller。 ![]() 传说中的混搭美学
The look consists of oversized sunglasses, boots, loose sweaters, and flowing skirts all with an aesthetic of mixing(传说中的混搭美学)high end pieces with low end. Their fashion choices, however, haven't been without controversy. Ashley Olsen was included on PETA's 2006 Worst Dressed list for wearing fur。 小编:乞丐美学的关键就在于超大墨镜、靴子、宽松的针织衫和大衬衫,当然咯,想要像哥和姐那样搭配得当,你不是要靠天分、就得下苦功啦! 网友评论
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