
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月29日 16:28   沪江英语

  Mary-Kate and Ashley have a clothing line in Wal-Mart stores across North America for girls ages 4 - 14 as well as a beauty line called "Mary-Kate and Ashley: Real fashion for real girls". In 2004 they made news by signing a pledge to allow all the workers that sew their line of clothing in Bangladesh full maternity leave。


  The National Labor Committee, which organized the pledge, later praised the twins for their commitment to worker rights. The director of the organization, Charles Kernaghan, is quoted as saying, "The Olsen twins have done the right thing. Now it is up to Wal-Mart to either support Mary-Kate and Ashley's commitment to women's rights, or tragically to shut them down."


  They were tapped as the faces of upscale fashion line Badgley Mischka in 2006, in an attempt to gain credibility in the fashion industry after their association with Wal-Mart. They have also launched their own new couture fashion label "The Row" named after the famous Savile Row of London. The pair have also started a new line for The Row, entitled "Elizabeth & James", named after their siblings。

  Mary-Kate and Ashley have been criticized by animal rights group PETA for their use of fur in their fashion line, The Row。


姐妹俩最爱的Pantless Trend,也就是“无裤装”
姐妹俩最爱的Pantless Trend,也就是“无裤装”

  姐妹俩最爱的Pantless Trend,也就是“无裤装”:上长下短的搭配会让身材比例看起来很好哦!


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