时代新风尚:白领爱网晒“豆腐帐”(图)记得刚上大学的时候,宿舍里的几个姐妹都有个小帐本记录每天的花费。现在想想这大概就是豆腐帐的雏形吧,买的每一样东西都要记录在册,到了月底可能还要向家人汇报。没想到这个记帐的风俗现在流传到了网络上,越来越多的人开始在网上晒自己的豆腐帐。 ![]() 白领爱晒的“豆腐帐”
The term, tofu ledger, was originally used to describe account books made by tofu sellers where each sale is clearly recorded and all the costs and profits are counted at the end of each month. But now it refers to detailed accounts of personal expenditure. Many white-collar workers today love to jot down and share their everyday spending record on the Internet。 “豆腐帐”最初指卖豆腐的商贩记的帐,每天卖出去多少豆腐、每个月底汇总的成本支出和收益都会记在这个帐上。现在,这个词多用来指个人记的消费流水帐。很多白领都喜欢把他们每天的消费支出记下来然后拿到网络上跟别人分享。 For example: Jenny posted her tofu ledger for the Labor Day holiday, you just cannot imagine what she has bought。 珍妮把她的黄金周豆腐帐给贴出来了,她买的那些东西你简直都想象不到。
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