
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月01日 16:57   沪江英语


  二战期间,四个小孩子随着父母来到乡下避战。这些乡村住宅古色古香,其中有一个房间里摆着一个大衣柜。一天,几个小孩子玩捉迷藏,露西躲进了衣柜里,眼前却意外出现了一个神奇的世界——那里白雪皑皑,荒无人烟。她在雪地上走着走着,遇上了人羊怪物。 其他孩子也一一进入这个魔法衣橱。他们得知里面的王国叫纳尼亚,正在被一个邪恶的女巫所统治。女巫想把这几个外来者一网打尽,同时这些孩子得知纳尼亚正在女巫的黑暗统治后,和雄狮亚斯兰并肩作战,帮助纳尼亚开始了复国之举。

  The film begins with the 1940 bombing of Finchley, London, during the Blitz. The Pevensie children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, are in direct danger from the falling bombs. The children are evacuated to the country home of Professor Digory Kirke. One day while they are playing hide and seek, Lucy discovers a wardrobe and enters a wintry fantasy world called Narnia.。.





  Nick Parker and Elizabeth James met and married each other during an ocean cruise on the QE2. Elizabeth gave birth to twin daughters Hallie and Annie (both played by Lohan), but the couple divorced and lost contact with each other, each parent raising one of the twins without telling her about her sister. Nick raised Hallie in the Napa Valley and became a wealthy wine grower, while Elizabeth raised Annie in London and became a famous wedding gown designer。

  After the ocean cruise and onboard wedding ceremony, the story jumps ahead to a summer in which Nick and Elizabeth coincidentally enroll their daughters in the same summer camp. Annie and Hallie, who are now eleven years old, first meet at the end of a fencing match, when they remove their masks and see that they look alike. A comical hostility between the two girls leads to a prank war that ends when the camp counselors fall into one of Hallie's traps and isolate the twins from the other girls。


外星人 E.T
外星人 E.T

  外星人 E.T


  Elliot is your normal boy, until one day, when he meets a little lost alien. Elliot decides to keep the alien, in which he gives the name E.T. Elliot works with E.T. in trying to find him a way to get back home. Elliot must make the difficult sacrifice. Whether to help his new friend or to lose him? Whatever the decision is, Elliot must keep him hidden, as someone else is out to look for him.




  爱丽斯始终被同一个梦魇所困扰,直到她20岁时参加的一场聚会。本认为是一场无聊至极的聚会而已,没想到却是精心策划的求婚仪式。面对养尊处优的公子哥哈米什突如其来的求婚,毫无准备的爱丽斯着实被吓了一跳。爱丽斯被一只身马甲的兔子所吸引,在追赶过程中爱丽斯掉入了一个深不见底的树洞里,来到了一个如同仙境般不可思议的“地下世界”。此时,生活在地下世界的善良人们似乎都在盼望着她的到来,可是她却认为这是一场梦,只想快点醒过来回到现实世界。然而,在认识疯疯癫癫的疯帽子之后,爱丽斯才知道地下世界正处于“红桃皇后”的血腥统治之下,按照“皇历”的预言,只是她才能帮助“白色皇后” ……

  Alice in Wonderland is a 2010 fantasy adventure film directed by Tim Burton. In the film, Alice is now nineteen years old and accidentally returns to Underland (misheard by Alice and believed to be called Wonderland), a place she visited thirteen years previously. She is told that she is the only one who can slay the Jabberwocky, a dragon-like creature controlled by the Red Queen who terrorizes Underland's inhabitants. Burton said the original Wonderland story was always about a girl wandering around from one weird character to another and he never felt a connection emotionally, so he wanted to make it feel more like a story than a series of events. He does not see this as a sequel to previous films, nor as a re-imagining。



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