The amazing pictures were taken recently at Porthcurno beach, Cornwall, Britain where the basking shark was cruising just yards off shore. But despite coming within touching distance of its huge presence they were in no danger - the massive sharks are plankton feeders - unlike the man-eating Great White from Jaws。 这些照片近日拍摄于英国康沃尔郡波斯科诺海滩,这条姥鲨慢慢地逼近正在海滨玩耍的人们。虽然离这个庞然大物只有咫尺之遥,但人们用不着害怕,因为姥鲨主要以海洋浮游生物和小型鱼类为食,而不会像《大白鲨》中的杀人机器捕猎人类。 网友评论
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